Species An orangutans species is Pongo Pygmaues Orangutans are also related to great apes
Physical Features The length of an orangutan is 4 feet 2 inches Full grown orangutans can weigh up to 120 pounds Orangutans have large bulky bodies They have thick necks, strong arms, and no tail Orangutans are 2/3 the size of a gorilla Orangutans have rust colored fur Their face looks like a round ball
Life Span/Endangered Orangutans live to about 50 years in captivity. Orangutans live to about 35 to 40 years in the wild. Orangutans are endangered because people cut down their homes There are only 30,000 or less orangutans in the wild
HABITAT-WHERE IT LIVES Orangutans live in tropical rain forests Almost all orangutans live in Asia Orangutans can be found in swampland Climate is warm and damp.
What they Eat Orangutans are herbivores, they mostly eat: fruit, with young leaves, bark, flowers, insects, and bird's eggs are also eaten. One of their preferred foods is the fruit of the durian tree, which tastes somewhat like sweet, cheesy garlic custard.
Prey of and Predator to: LIONS CHEETAHS PEOPLE LEOPARDS TIGERS PREDATOR To: Bird Figs Bark leaves Small insects
How They Act Orangutans are very shy and solitary animals. They are active during the day. They are also very playful in the tree tops Orangutans go into water but don’t swim Males generally don’t like each other but females do Young orangutans are highly social Adults are solitary and live apart , coming together only for a courtship Orangutans are known for their intelligence
Babies Female orangutans are capable of having babies when they are 7 to 10 years old. Females are pregnant for 8.5 to 9 months. Females give birth to one baby most of the time. Baby orangutans stay with their mother for 2 to three years
Physical Adaptations Orangutans need long arms and legs help them swing to high places and get food in the treetops. Orangutans strong jaw can help them open nuts and any other hard object Their red fur helps them camouflage in the trees of the rainforest.
Physiological Adaptations Orangutans have a throat sac so they grunt, groan, and scream to make warnings Orangutans strong muscles in their legs and arms can help them reach the high treetops Orangutans eyes are dark an adaptation to protect their eyes from the sun Orangutans have senses very similar to ours
Behavioral Adaptations Orangutans move through the forest to stay with the ripe figs Orangutans stay high in the trees to stay safe from enemies Orangutans take a path in the trees that can support its weight
Interesting Facts The word orangutan means man of the forest. Orangutans are known for their intelligence Fruit takes up 65% of their diet The arms of an orangutan is twice as long as its legs The biggest threat to the orangutan is man Orangutans live longer in captivity