Currently, how many R Packages? 5495 on 6/4/2014 Currently, how many R Packages? At the command line enter: dim(available.packages()) available.packages()
Is there an R App Store? No, though Task Views
Package Categories COMMON FUNCTIONS SPECIALIZED TASK VIEWS Data Input / Output Data Management Mathematics and Statistics Graphics SPECIALIZED TASK VIEWS Web High Performance Computing Subject Matter Specific
Data Input / Output XLConnect sas7bdat Hmisc foreign RMySQL XML Comma Separated Values XLConnect sas7bdat Hmisc foreign RMySQL XML RODBC / ROracle RJSONIO rhbase Rcpp
R Being Integrated Into Other Data-Related Products “Both R and SAS are here to stay, and finding ways to make them work better with each other is in the best interests of our customers.”` Oracle R Enterprise (ORE)
Task Views Next Slides organizes these by: Statistics Graphics Subject Matter Web, Computing
Task Views: Statistics, Mathematics Bayesian Bayesian Inference Cluster Cluster Analysis & Finite Mixture Models DifferentialEquations Differential Equations Distributions Probability Distributions ExperimentalDesign Design of Experiments (DoE) & Analysis of Experimental Data MachineLearning Machine Learning & Statistical Learning MetaAnalysis Meta-Analysis Multivariate Multivariate Statistics NaturalLanguageProcessing Natural Language Processing NumericalMathematics Numerical Mathematics OfficialStatistics Official Statistics & Survey Methodology Optimization Optimization and Mathematical Programming ReproducibleResearch Reproducible Research Robust Robust Statistical Methods Survival Survival Analysis TimeSeries Time Series Analysis gR gRaphical Models in R 2016-05-02 2016-06-24 2015-11-09
Machine Learning Analytic Technique R Package Author Organization Decision Trees rpart Terry Therneau & Beth Atkinson. R port by Brian Ripley. Mayo Clinic University of Oxford Random Forests randomForest Fortran original by Leo Breiman R port by Andy Liaw . Merck Support Vector Machines libsvm Chih-Chung Chang Chih-Jen Lin National Taiwan Univ. + EBay Research Labs Neural Networks neuralnet Frauke Gunther Stefan Fritsch Epidemiology and Prevention Research nnet Brian Ripley Boosting Model Ada Mark Culp West Virginia University Maximum Entropy maxent Yoshimasha Tsuruoka Timothy Jurka University of Tokyo UC-Davis Bagging, bootstrap adabag Esteban Alfaro-Cortes La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Latent Diralect slda Jonathan Chang Facebook Naïve Bayes e1071 David Meyer, Evgenia Dimitriadout Vienna University Bayesian Network bnlearn Marco Scutari UCL Genetics Institute Hidden Markov hiddenmarkov David Harte Statistics Research
Example of the SAME Algorithm Implemented Across Many Languages
Task Views: Graphics, Spatial 2015-01-07 Graphics Graphic Displays & Dynamic Graphics & Visualization Spatial Analysis of Spatial Data SpatioTemporal Handling and Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Data
Task Views: Subject Matter Specific Econometrics Finance Empirical Finance ChemPhys Chemometrics and Computational Physics ClinicalTrials Clinical Trial Design, Monitoring, and Analysis Environmetrics Analysis of Ecological and Environmental Data Genetics Statistical Genetics MedicalImaging Medical Image Analysis Pharmacokinetics Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Data Phylogenetics Phylogenetics, Especially Comparative Methods Psychometrics Psychometric Models and Methods SocialSciences Statistics for the Social Sciences 2016-04-23 2016-05-02
Task Views: Web, Computing HighPerformanceComputing High-Performance and Parallel Computing with R WebTechnologies Web Technologies and Services 2016-06-27 2016-05-02 Tools for Working with the Web from R Core Tools For HTTP Requests (httr, curl) Parsing Data from the Web (XML, JSON) URLs (shorteners) Scraped Webpage Contents JavaScript Web Services Cloud Computing and Storage (AWS) Document and Code Sharing (GitHub) Data Analysis and Processing Services Social Media Clients (twitteR) Web Analytics Services (Google Trends) Other Web Services
Social Media
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