What we will do What we will learn 10C 15 Mahuru 2017 Quick quiz and preliminaries How to start well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpaHPXVR8WU & Revisit what ionic compounds are and why they are formed PLUS Do some examples in class - extend to complex ions: What ionic compounds are, why they are formed and how to tackle some examples Write down the chemical formulae and names of the three main acids used in school labs What they are and how to write them (both ways) If time, do more examples from the NCEA1 resource booklet How to get ready for 2018
HW item Skills practiced Bookmarking for electricity unit How our bookwork compares with expectations EOT test on electricity Friday 9 June 2017 pd 4 All of electricity Pages 1 – 25 of Motion booklet Due Pd 4, Friday 11th August 2017 Movement, forces and acceleration Pages 26 – 40 of Motion/Light booklet Due Pd 4, Thurs 31st August 2017 Light and how it behaves EOT test on Motion and Light Wed 30 August 2017 pd 5 All of Motion and Light
“Effervescence” is…another name for fizz. It happens in some chemical reactions, for example, when an acid reacts with a carbonate. Acid + Carbonate Carbon Dioxide gas + some other compounds
Atom 3: Lithium 3 protons 3 or 4 neutrons 3 electrons
Helium, Neon, Argon and Krypton do not lose or gain electrons Helium, Neon, Argon and Krypton do not lose or gain electrons. This is because none of them need to gain electrons or lose electrons. They all already have a full outside layer.
There are two main types of change: Physical Change and Chemical Change. A physical change in a substance doesn't change what the substance is. A chemical change, where there is a chemical reaction, a new substance is formed and energy is either given off or absorbed. Chemical Changes are generally MUCH HARDER to reverse than Physical Changes.
Examples of Physical Changes: A piece of paper is folded. A piece of paper is torn. A block of ice is melted. Milk and water are mixed. Lead is melted to make fishing sinkers.
Examples of Physical Changes: A piece of paper is folded. A piece of paper is torn. A block of ice is melted. Milk and water are mixed. Lead is melted to make fishing sinkers, Examples of Chemical Changes: A cake is cooked. Toast is burnt. Vinegar and baking soda make fizz. Steel goes rusty. Concrete goes hard after it is poured. Milk turns into cheese. Firewood becomes ash when burnt.
Discuss the similarities and differences between H, Li, Na and K atoms They all have one electron in the outside layer They all react really strongly They are all flammable. E.g sodium in water and hydrogen in the airship crash They all form ONE PLUS ions. They all react by losing one electron DIFFERENCES They all have different numbers of layers of electrons Although they are all very reactive, the bigger ones react more strongly than the little ones.
Revisit some ions. Eg H, Li, N, O, F, Na, Mg, Al, P, S, Cl, K, Ca
Ammonium Oxide, Sodium Oxide, Potassium Oxide, Silver Oxide, Hydrogen Oxide, Calcium Oxide, Magnesium Oxide, Copper Oxide, Lead Oxide, Barium Oxide, Zinc Oxide, Aluminium Oxide, Ammonium Sulfide, Sodium Sulfide, Potassium Sulfide, Silver Sulfide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Calcium Sulfide, Magnesium Sulfide, Copper Sulfide, Lead Sulfide, Barium Sulfide, Zinc Sulfide, Aluminium Sulfide, Ammonium Carbonate, Sodium Carbonate, Potassium Carbonate, Silver Carbonate, Hydrogen Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, Copper Carbonate, Lead Carbonate, Barium Carbonate, Zinc Carbonate, Aluminium Carbonate, Ammonium Sulfate, Sodium Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Lead Sulfate, Barium Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Aluminium Sulfate, Ammonium Hydroxide, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Silver Hydroxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Calcium Hydroxide, Magnesium Hydroxide, Copper Hydroxide, Lead Hydroxide, Barium Hydroxide, Zinc Hydroxide, Aluminium Hydroxide, Ammonium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Silver Chloride, Hydrogen Chloride, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Copper Chloride, Lead Chloride, Barium Chloride, Zinc Chloride, Aluminium Chloride, Ammonium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Silver Nitrate, Hydrogen Nitrate, Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate, Copper Nitrate, Lead Nitrate, Barium Nitrate, Zinc Nitrate, Aluminium Nitrate,