YLIOPISTOTENTTI / UNIVERSITY EXAM 05.11.2015 LECTURE HALL L1 at 4 – 8 pm DO NOT ENTER the exam hall before you are allowed to. Seats are reserved only for students who have registered in WebOodi. EXAMS AND ANSWER SHEETS can be found ON THE ROW according to the seating order. NOTE! Use every second seat. TDK / Faculty Tunniste/Code Tentti/Exam Rivi/Row LuTK / Science 780117P Yleinen ja epäorgaaninen kemia A/ General and Inorganic Chemistry A (3 h) (209) 1 – 9, 11,13,15,17,19 780103P Johdatus orgaaniseen kemiaan/ Introduction to Organic Chemistry (3 h) (7) 12 781642S Epäorgaaninen kemia II/ Inorganic Chemistry II (3 h) (1) 780391A Epäorgaaninen kemia II/ Inorganic Chemistry II (3 h) (3) 14 781308A Instrumenttianalytiikka/ Instrumental Analysis (3 h) (35) 16,18 TST / IEE 812347A Olio-ohjelmointi/ Object-oriented programming (3) 10