H070 Topic Title H470 Topic Title Urban Futures Learner Resource 2 – What is Urban?
What is Urban and What is Rural? Task 1 - Watch this clip – It is an advert about Yeo Valley. How does this clip both challenge and support your perceptions of rural areas and in turn urban areas? Task 2 - Turn your books to a landscape view and split your page in half. A) On one half draw a sketch of what you think are the characteristics of an urban area. B) On the other half draw a sketch of what you think are the characteristics of a rural area.
Characteristic Urban Rural Population Employment Crime Services Society Environment
Characteristics of an Urban and a Rural area a) Closely packed buildings b) High Unemployment c) Violent Crime d) High % of population employed in agriculture e) Densely packed population f) Close communities g) Large elderly population h) High rise buildings i) Lots of chain stores j) High land value k) Larger houses l) A cathedral m) Large % of car ownership n) Ethnically diverse population
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