Orff in the Urban (or any) Classroom! Primary LeslieAnne Bird North Olmsted City Schools www.mrsbirdsmusicpage.weebly.com
Jump In Traditional Jump Rope Rhyme Jump In, Jump Out Turn yourself about Introduce yourself My name is… And I like… Gonna keep on…. Everyday of my life! Just teach it like I teach the kids.
Check Boogie Traditional Rhyme Learned at Camp One, two, three four five _________ ain’t got no jive Six, seven, eight, nine, ten Back it up, let’s do it again Hey _____ Hey what (2x) Introduce yourself No way! Introduce yourself OK! My name is _____ Check! And I like _____ Check! (2x) And I can groove, prove you can Check, check, check boogie (2x) Continue on to this one, same idea. Don’t change the slide
Green Sally Up Green Sally Down Green Sally bake her Pos—sum brown Get a pitch on E. Sing and “walk” beat on lap 2. Add a “snap” group after the 1st and 4th phrases. 3. Play on recorder! Green = E, Red = A, Blue – D Possum descending B A G E 4. Set up the bars (next slide)
A B G F E D C Set Up Billy’s Techno Toolbox, available on TPT Set up xylophones for bass line. Can include alto, tenor or bass recorders as well. Glocks play A & B on Snaps (at the end of each phrase) Play bass line on BX/AX (SX is fine too). If there are altos they can play too. Sing and play recorder add Glocks on A&B Add “mouth cymbals” Sing verse w/out recorder (next slide) back to refrain (ABA) Billy’s Techno Toolbox, available on TPT
Green Sally Verse 2 She asked her mother for fifty cents To see the elephants jump the fence. They jumped so high, they touched the sky And never came back ‘til the fourth of July! Have the children write new verses. Add improvisation.
Rhythm Flash Cards Treasure Danza Read rhythms as usual using your favorite system. Stand up, clap the intro, read the same rhythms with Bruno Mars. Latin population? Add Don Omar (I checked translation and with my PR parents that the song is all good for school.) Under the category of taking lessons that are already out there and making them attractive. Inspired by Rene Boyer and used with permission. Her books are excellent resources for urban populations. Treasure Danza
Apple Tree Apple tree, apple tree Will your apples fall on me? I won’t cry, I won’t shout, If your apples knock me out! Play Apple Tree the regular way. Add the SSC/SC pattern. When you get out sit in the center and chose a HD or T, HD on S, T on C, move back to your space and transfer to P/C while you sing. Adding a “beat” can make other fairly common games and songs attractive if the kids think this is “baby stuff” add layers (stickers never hurt either.)
Books with characters that look like the children! The Rain Stomper Books with characters that look like the children! We need you to reinforce classroom goals. LITERACY! Read though standards and discover all the amazing things you are already doing. You will be surprised. Read the Rain Stomper Use BP to “make the rain” Ask for fun words from the book. (After discussion click link) Make 4-beat word chains, I do it whole group with my 3rd grade, and you could do groups, share out and choose the two you like best. (Kids could also compose a melody here) Add BP, pat and clap Add UTP (I use sticks and hand drums, and it can be whatever you have. Choose two kids to be Thunder I read a shortened version of the story (kids can do this) and we add the thunder, ostinatos and rainmaking End with “I noticed that” statements. Create a class rubric before the final “performance” evaluate in groups, as a class or individually.
Example of a teacher-generated rubric: Assessment Example of a teacher-generated rubric: Jump In, Jump Out Rubric Demonstrated control of the beat consistently. Performed using a “level 3” voice. Performed the group section at the appropriate time with appropriate movement. Performed musically. Example of a teacher–generated rubric.
Ask the children to list criteria of their best performance, this can become a rubric or checklist assessment. One lesson prior to the “final” class performance ask the children to set individual goals to improve their work. Reflect on the goals during assessment. Choose a specific content goal and create rubric, checklist or other type of assessment that meets your needs. Ask the children for feedback: Did you enjoy the work? Why or why not? What could Mrs. Bird do next time to make the work better? What was your favorite part? Why? What did you learn? Be prepared for honest answers.
Standards-Based Bulletin Board Include title, rubric and standards. Use the dust cover from picture books or a color scan of the cover. List the steps of the process (even better if students create the list.) Include photos with descriptions of work in progress and completed work with the rubric score or student assessment/reflection examples.