Strategic Plan - March 2004 Americas __________ The Americas are divided into the developed North and the developing South. SA maintains good relations with both North and South America Current SA representation is16 Missions North America Region of importance to SA Canada has pledged strong support for NEPAD, both bilaterally and within the G-8 To align the US Millenium challenge account with NEPAD objectives Active bilateral engagement with US and Canada critical for Increased Official Development Assistance (ODA) for capacity building Market access Foreign Direct Investment (to SA and Africa) Wider debt relief for Least Developed Countries
Americas __________ Priority with regard to North America: Strategic Plan - March 2004 Americas __________ Priority with regard to North America: Redouble efforts to increase SA exports and improve Africa’s market access to North America. In this regard, branding of SA - critical Facilitate beneficial outcome of comprehensive Free Trade Agreement negotiations between Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and the USA South America Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are of strategic importance to SA in terms of, inter alia, closer South-South co-operation and unexplored markets MERCOSUR Relationship with the MERCOSUR countries - greatly improved. SA attended MERCOSUR Summit at the invitation of Brazil Negotiations are underway to conclude the MERCOSUR/SACU-FTA Brazil Africa relations growing with the establishment of Africa Brazil Forum Brazil key signatory of IBSA Dialogue Forum
Americas __________ CARICOM Strategic Plan - March 2004 Americas __________ CARICOM SA government has increased its focus on strengthening relations with the Caribbean region President Mbeki met with Caribbean leaders during CARICOM Summit Efforts are underway to establish a CARICOM Office in SA SA offering assistance to Haiti SA currently negotiating bilateral co-operation agreement with Jamaica Bilateral Co-operation Agreement with the Bahamas - concluded in April 2004