BEST Special topic 2015 What could make PT more interesting for car users? Stockholm, 15th of March 2016
Previous special topics 2008: Use of PT information channels 2009: How to finance PT service improvements 2010: Transfers 2011: Walking distance vs. frequency 2012: Comfort vs. travel time 2013: Ticket media & use of PT information channels 2014: Tickets & ticket inspections, and use of ticket media 2015: What could make PT more interesting for car users? 2016: Mobility BEST Special survey topic 2015
Car user characteristics might explain how to make PT more interesting SEGMENT SIZE How large part of the population + 16 years is in this segment DEMOGRAPHICS Characteristics related to age, gender and occupation TRIP PURPOSE Purpose of last car trip CHANGE TO PT Last trip by car: Which improvements could make you change from car to public transport on that specific trip IMPROVE PT Last trip by public transport: Which improvements could have made you more satisfied with that trip? PT SATISFACTION According to BEST – how satisfied are they with PT today IMPORTANCE Which aspect of PT drives satisfaction BEST Special survey topic 2015
The transport mode mix: How to define the «car driver»? PT travel frequency Car travel frequency Daily A few times per week A few times per month Less than monthly Never Total 3 % 4 % 13 % 12 % 1 % 33 % 9 % 8 % 10 % 5 % 0 % 19 % 6 % 2 % 22 % 26 % 18 % 100 % BEST Special survey topic 2015
Seldom (monthly or less) Car drivers: Almost 40 % go often by car, and seldom with PT (Average BEST cities 2015) % of citizens in BEST cities Travel by PT Travel by car Often (weekly +) Seldom (monthly or less) 29 % 37 % 26 % 9 % BEST Special survey topic 2015
Largest share of car drivers in Bergen and Copenhagen Public transport travel frequency Often (weekly +) Seldom (monthly or less) Total Stockholm Car usage frequency 29 % 32 % 61 % 30 % 9 % 39 % 59 % 41 % 100 % Oslo 36 % 65 % 6 % 35 % 58 % 42 % Helsinki 34 % 66 % 5 % 63 % 37 % Copenhagen 17 % 60 % 22 % 18 % 40 % Geneva 28 % 64 % 26 % 10 % Bergen 21 % 57 % 78 % 15 % 8 % BEST Special survey topic 2015
Car drivers: Working fulltime, and between 45 to 64 years BEST Special survey topic 2015
Last car trip (main trip purposes shown): Car users go by car to work BEST Special survey topic 2015
Trip purpose for car users very similar in all cities Travel often with car, seldom with PT What was the purpose of the last trip you made by car (as a driver or passenger)? Stockholm Oslo Helsinki Copenhagen Geneva Bergen 1 Trip to/from work 40 % 45 % 41 % 32 % 43 % 2 Trip to/from school/university 0 % 1 % 3 Work related travelling (during the work-day) 4 % 5 % 3 % 4 Grocery shopping 17 % 13 % 22 % 16 % 5 All other kind of shopping 8 % 7 % 2 % 6 Services like bank, post, travel agency, hair dresser etc 7 Medical services (going to the doctor, hospital, dentist etc.) 6 % 8 Children – pick up or bring children to/from kindergarten, school etc 9 Children - pick up/bring children to/from sports or leisure activities 10 Pick up or bring others 11 Visits (visit friends and family) 11 % 9 % 12 Going to a cafe, restaurant, cinema, concert, football match etc. 12 % 13 Going to the gym, or other sports/outdoor activities 14 Other purpose 15 Do not know/do not remember 100 % BEST Special survey topic 2015
On last car trip: What could make PT more attractive On last car trip: What could make PT more attractive? Car drivers priorities are very similar to other segments Travel often with car & PT Travel often with PT, seldom with car Travel often with car, seldom with PT Travel seldom with car & PT Total Increased number of departures 26 % 21 % 23 % 16 % More possibilities to travel directly, without having to change between lines 32 % 28 % 33 % 24 % 30 % Increased possibility to get at seat / less crowded vehicles 5 % 7 % 6 % Less delays 9 % 8 % Lower ticket prices 27 % 31 % 34 % 29 % Easier ticketing system / easier to buy a ticket 4 % Better travel information (info needed to get you from A to B by PT) 2 % 3 % Improved driving style 1 % A stop closer to where I live 12 % A stop closer to where I work/study Increased feeling of security both in the vehicle and in stops and stations More modern and comfortable vehicles Nothing, I think it would be very hard to go by PT on that specific trip 35 % Other, please specify: 13 % 10 % 11 % BEST Special survey topic 2015
Travel often with car, seldom with PT On last car trip: What could make PT more attractive? Car drivers priorities are quite similar in all BEST cities LAST CAR TRIP - WHICH IMPROVEMENTS MIGHT MAKE PT MORE ATTRACTIVE ON THAT TRIP Travel often with car, seldom with PT Stockholm Oslo Helsinki Copenhagen Geneva Bergen Total Increased number of departures 17 % 25 % 19 % 21 % 13 % 37 % 23 % More possibilities to travel directly, without having to change btw lines 31 % 35 % 39 % 27 % 32 % 29 % 33 % Increased possibility to get at seat / less crowded vehicles 6 % 8 % 2 % 5 % 4 % Less delays 10 % 9 % Lower ticket prices 28 % 30 % 46 % 16 % Easier ticketing system / easier to buy a ticket 7 % Better travel information (info needed to get you from A to B by PT) 1 % 3 % Improved driving style A stop closer to where I live 14 % 12 % A stop closer to where I work/study 11 % Increased feeling of security both in the vehicle and in stops and stations More modern and comfortable vehicles Nothing, I think it would be very hard to go by PT on that specific trip 40 % Other, please specify: Don't know/No answer BEST Special survey topic 2015
On last PT trip: What could make PT more attractive Ticketing system/walking distance matters more to car drivers Travel often with car & PT Travel often with PT, seldom with car Travel often with car, seldom with PT Travel seldom with car & PT Total Increased number of departures 29 % 26 % 25 % 18 % More possibilities to travel directly, without having to change between lines 22 % 20 % 24 % Increased possibility to get at seat / less crowded vehicles 21 % 10 % 12 % 15 % Less delays 19 % 17 % 9 % 11 % 14 % Lower ticket prices 39 % 41 % 43 % 46 % Easier ticketing system / easier to buy a ticket 7 % 5 % 13 % 8 % Better travel information (info needed to get you from A to B by PT) 4 % 3 % Improved driving style 6 % A stop closer to where I live A stop closer to where I work/study Increased feeling of security both in the vehicle and in stops and stations More modern and comfortable vehicles Nothing, it would be very hard to improve the PT service on that specific trip Other, please specify: BEST Special survey topic 2015
Travel often with car, seldom with PT On last PT trip: What could make PT more attractive Car drivers priorities are quite similar in all BEST cities LAST PT TRIP - WHICH IMPROVEMENTS WOULD MAKE YOU MORE SATISFIED WITH PT ON THAT TRIP Travel often with car, seldom with PT Stockholm Oslo Helsinki Copenhagen Geneva Bergen Total Increased number of departures 21 % 26 % 20 % 11 % 36 % 25 % More possibilities to travel directly, without having to change btw lines 31 % Increased possibility to get at seat / less crowded vehicles 12 % 5 % 8 % 15 % 10 % Less delays 6 % 9 % Lower ticket prices 46 % 41 % 44 % 56 % 42 % 43 % Easier ticketing system / easier to buy a ticket 7 % Better travel information (info needed to get you from A to B by PT) 4 % 2 % 3 % Improved driving style A stop closer to where I live 16 % A stop closer to where I work/study Increased feeling of security both in the vehicle and in stops and stations 1 % More modern and comfortable vehicles Nothing, I think it would be very hard to improve PT on that specific trip 14 % 19 % 22 % 17 % Other, please specify: BEST Special survey topic 2015
Car drivers are significantly less satisfied with PT in general BEST Special survey topic 2015
Car drivers are significantly less satisfied with PT in general BEST Special survey topic 2015
Drivers of satisfaction Car drivers wants increased frequency (PT customers wants a seat) Average all BEST cities 2015 Travel often with car & PT Travel often with PT, seldom with car Travel often with car, seldom with PT Travel seldom with car & PT Public transport gives value for money 0,25 0,20 0,22 0,24 I am satisfied with the number of departures 0,16 0,12 Transfers are easy 0,13 0,15 Public transport mostly runs on schedule 0,17 0,10 Public transport is beneficial to society 0,06 The info is good when traffic problems occur 0,07 0,11 Waiting time is short at transfers 0,08 0,09 The staff behaves nicely and correctly Nearest stop is close to where I live 0,05 The busses and trains are modern I normally get a seat when I travel with PT BEST Special survey topic 2015
Car drivers top priorities varies a across cities: Value for money, frequency of service and transfers are the top three Travel often with car, seldom with PT Stockholm Oslo Helsinki Copenhagen Geneva Bergen SL02A Public transport mostly runs on schedule 0,35 0,15 0,18 SL08A Public transport gives value for money 0,27 0,31 0,13 0,30 0,23 0,25 SL01H I am satisfied with the number of departures 0,16 0,26 0,22 0,32 SL06B Transfers are easy 0,19 0,24 SL01E Nearest stop is close to where I live 0,12 0,08 SL07C Public transport is beneficial to society 0,14 SL03A It is easy to get the info needed when planning a trip 0,10 SL06C The busses and trains are modern 0,11 SL04A The staff answers my questions correctly SL01G Waiting time is short at transfers 0,17 SL05B I feel secure on board busses and trains BEST Special survey topic 2015
Conclusion/summary: What could make PT more interesting for car users? Interested in mobility as a service (MaaS)? SEGMENT SIZE 37 % of the population in BEST cities uses car often (weekly +) and PT seldom (less than weekly) DEMOGRAPHICS Work full time Middle aged Male Affluent consumer? Will/can pay for services that provides value? TRIP PURPOSE Work is significantly more frequent trip purpose CHANGE TO PT Similar to PT users, but put more emphasis on: Easier ticketing system / easier to buy a ticket A stop closer to where I live A stop closer to where I work/study Surprisingly similar to other customer groups. Improvement of ticketing system (and probably all other info aspects/services that improves the user experience?) IMPROVE PT Similar to PT users, but put more emphasis on: Easier ticketing system / easier to buy a ticket A stop closer to where I live? PT SATISFACTION Very dissatisfied with PT ! They will be hard to convince IMPORTANCE Quite similar to PT users, but increased frequency more important driver of satisfaction Increased frequency is normally very expensive BEST Special survey topic 2015
Special survey topic 2015: Questions added BEST Special survey topic 2015
Questions added (1) Question 1. CAR USAGE FREQUENCY Question 3. LAST CAR TRIP: WHICH IMPROVEMENTS COULD MAKE YOU CHANGE MODE OF TRANSPORT How often do you typically travel by car as a driver or as a passenger, considering all types of trips, do you travel by car…? Think about your last trip by car as a driver or as a passenger, which of the improvements listed below could make you change your mode of transport from car to public transport on that specific trip? Daily A few times per week A few times per month Less than monthly Increased number of departures Never More possibilities to travel directly, without having to change between lines Do not know Increased possibility to get at seat / less crowded vehicles Less delays Question 2. TRIP PURPOSE – LAST TRIP YOU MADE BY CAR Lower ticket prices What was the purpose of the last trip you made by car (as a driver or passenger)? Easier ticketing system / easier to buy a ticket Better travel information (information needed to get you from A to B by public transport) Trip to/from work Trip to/from school/university Improved driving style Work related travelling (during the work-day) A stop closer to where I live Grocery shopping A stop closer to where I work/study All other kind of shopping Increased feeling of security both in the vehicle and in stops and stations Services like bank, post, travel agency, hair dresser etc More modern and comfortable vehicles Medical services (going to the doctor, hospital, dentist etc.) Nothing, I think it would be very hard to go by PT for me on that specific trip Children – pick up or bring children to/from kindergarten, school etc Other, please specify: Children - pick up or bring children to/from sports or other leisure activities Pick up or bring others Visits (visit friends and family) Going to a cafe, restaurant, cinema, concert, football match etc. Going to the gym, or other sports/outdoor activities Other purpose Do not know/do not remember BEST Survey 2015
Questions added (2) Question 4. LAST PUBLIC TRANSPORT TRIP – WHAT KIND OF IMPROVEMENT ARE MORE IMPORTANT Think about the last trip you made by public transport. Which of the improvements listed below could have made you more satisfied with that trip? SELECT MAXIMUM 3 ITEMS (ALTERNATIVES BELOW SHOULD BE ROTATED RANDOMLY) Increased number of departures More possibilities to travel directly, without having to change between lines Increased possibility to get at seat / less crowded vehicles Less delays Lower ticket prices Easier ticketing system / easier to buy a ticket Better travel information (information needed to get you from A to B by public transport) Improved driving style A stop closer to where I live A stop closer to where I work/study Increased feeling of security both in the vehicle and in stops and stations More modern and comfortable vehicles Nothing, I think it would be very hard to improve the PT service on that specific trip Other, please specify: BEST Survey 2015