About me Hello, I’m Nahyeon Lee. I am studying abroad from South Korea to Canada. Now, I am in the 12th grade, I am preparing to go to university. I want to pass the University of Toronto. I am studying hard to get A marks.
MY top 4 intelligences 1. Good at studying 2. I handle computers well 3. Good at self-management 4. Good at Time management
My three lower intelligences Not good at swimming Not good at dancing Space capacity is low.
my three learning styles Repeat reading Repeat Writing Preparation and review
my colors
Your top five hobbies Watching Youtube about Crime, Medicine Listening music Studying , searching about biology Singing at Karaoke(Singing room) Call with family
My favourite movie Title: Haeundae About: Natural disaster (Megatunami)
My role model I do not have any role models yet..
my top 5 goals for this year Enter to University of Toronto Pass the IELTS test Get A marks at all subjects (except English<B>) Get a part-time job Living with mother and sister in Canada safely, happily.
If I could be any animal.. If I could be any animal, I could be a bird. Why? – I want to be free. And I want to go anywhere I want.