ALL ABOUT MRS.MANNING * I have been teaching for fourteen years. * I am married to Mike Manning. * We have been married for thirteen * I have one son, Elijah who is in middle school. * My favorite color is purple. * I love oldies music.
I have three cats. Mischief, Scrappy, and Gohan.
MY Hobbies are:. Reading. Listening to Music. Traveling MY Hobbies are: * Reading * Listening to Music * Traveling * Spending time with my family
Classroom Expectations Classroom Expectations * Bring a pencil, paper, and agenda everyday to class. * Show respect for all school staff and your peers. * Bullying will not be tolerated. * Try your best every class every day. If you cannot complete an assignment, at least try. * Please help keep the room clean. I am not your mother, it is not my job to pick up after you!
Remember: I am here for you anytime you need me!