Tribal Transportation Program Coordinating Committee (TTPCC) BIA Providers Conference Anchorage, Alaska NOVEMBER 28, 2017 Clarence Daniel, Alaska Representative
Overview TTPCC Background Leadership Members FY17 - Review FY18 - Current Work Issues Upcoming Meetings Request for Tribal Input
Background Purpose - 25 CFR Part 170.135 - 137 Provides Input & Recommendations Development of Policy & Procedures Supplement Nation to Nation Consultation Obtain Input from Tribes, BIA, & FHWA Does not replace consultation
Background Responsibilities - 25 CFR Part 170.135 - 137 Development & Revisions of Stewardship Plan TTP Regulations, Policy, & Procedures TTP Eligible Activities TTP Transit Policy TTP Management Systems
Background Responsibilities (cont.) National Tribal Transportation Needs Review & Provide Recommendations Design Issues The Committee also reviews and provides recommendations on national concerns regarding implementation of the Tribal Transportation Program under 25 CFR 170
Background Membership 25 CFR Part 170.135 – 137 24 Tribal Representatives 3-year terms 2 from each of the 12 BIA Regions No longer have Primary & Alternate Members Staggered within each Region (4 positions per year) Appointed by the Secretary Federal Representatives from BIA & FHWA
FY-17 Committee Leadership Chair – Mr. John P. Smith (Big John) Chair – Mr. Edward Thomas, Jr. (Sam) 7
FY-17 Committee Leadership Chair – Ms. Jody Clark Vice-Chair - Ms. Jacque Hostler - Carmesin Secretary - Mr. Rick Galloway
Committee Membership Non-voting Federal Members Mr. LeRoy Gishi (BIA) and Ms. Erin Kinley (FHWA) 9
* Positions slated for re-nomination Committee Members Eastern Region Jody Clark Jeremy Whipple* Midwest Region Mike Moilanen Brett Blackdeer So Plains Region Art Muller Angela Blind* Alaska Region Clarence Daniel Vacant* Great Plains Region Dakota Longbrake Vacant Navajo Region Jonathan Nez Garret Silversmith * Positions slated for re-nomination 10
* Positions slated for re-nomination Committee Members Pacific Region Jacque Hostler-Carmesin Vacant* Rocky Mountain Region Tracy Robinson Howard Brown Southwest Region Kristi Van Buren Vacant Northwest Region Rick Galloway Michael Cardwell Western Region Sandra Shade Lawrence Jackson Eastern Oklahoma Wayne Wylie Vacant * Positions slated for re-nomination 11
Committee Members TTPCC members are active on: Tribal Interior Budget Council (TIBC) Quality Assurance/Quality Control Team (QA/QC) Safety Management System (SMS) Steering Committee 12
Annual Meeting with Leadership September 14, 2017 Mike Black, Acting Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs John Tahsuda, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs Hankie Ortiz, Deputy Bureau Director Tim Hess, FHWA Associate Administrator
Annual Meeting with Leadership September 14, 2017 Tribal Consultation Training for Agency Personnel TTAP Restructure TTPCC does NOT take the place of Government to Government Consultation QA/QC Team Dual Language Signage NATIVE Act Agency Managements Plans Enhance and Disseminate Road Maintenance Data for BIA and Tribal facilities Streamline Funding Delivery
Annual Meeting with Leadership September 14, 2017 Making Competitive Transportation Grant funds more assessable to Tribes Agency postings of revised materials regarding BIA Final Rule for Rights of Way 25 CFR Part 169 National Business Plan Strategy MOA, Communications Plan and Operations Manual FHWA, BIA, and Tribes as Partners to manage the TTP Move NTTFI into a GIS-based Data System Proposed FY-2018 Meeting Schedule
FY-2017 Year in Review TTPCC functions suspended as a part of the administration’s review of all government committees Although the TTPCC is a regulatory committee working with the DOI and FHWA, it was suspended until August when leadership recognized the value and the unique status of the TTPCC in providing recommendation
Scammon Bay Road Construction – Alaska Region FY-2017 Year in Review TTP - 25 CFR Part 170 Revisions ROW - 25 CFR Part 169 Although the TTPCC is a regulatory committee working with the DOI and FHWA, it was suspended until August when leadership recognized the value and the unique status of the TTPCC in providing recommendation After Before Scammon Bay Road Construction – Alaska Region
FY-2017 Year in Review Safety Although the TTPCC is a regulatory committee working with the DOI and FHWA, it was suspended until August when leadership recognized the value and the unique status of the TTPCC in providing recommendation
AVCP Force Account Construction: Workforce Development – Alaska FY-2017 Year in Review Road Maintenance Program AVCP force account construction crew’s certified welders fabricate a bladed trailer as an economical substitute to a full size grader. Demonstration took place in Chevak, Alaska on Monday September 25, 2017 AVCP Force Account Construction: Workforce Development – Alaska
Kongiganak Boardroad Construction – Alaska Region FY-2017 Year in Review Integrating Inventory into GIS-Based System Program Delivery Guide Amendments Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Team During After Before Kongiganak Boardroad Construction – Alaska Region
FY-2017 Year in Review Dual Language Signage Although the TTPCC is a regulatory committee working with the DOI and FHWA, it was suspended until August when leadership recognized the value and the unique status of the TTPCC in providing recommendation
FY-2017 Year in Review Committee Nomination Schedule Although the TTPCC is a regulatory committee working with the DOI and FHWA, it was suspended until August when leadership recognized the value and the unique status of the TTPCC in providing recommendation
FY-2017 Year in Review 23 USC 202(a)(9)” Authorizes State Transfer of “Title 23” funds to Tribal Governments 202(a)(9) Provides authority to Transfer “Title 23” funds that were provided to a state, county, or local government to make available to Tribes through an Agreement with BIA or FHWA (Sovereignty Issue). State must request that funds be transferred to a Tribe for a project or activity 2. FHWA has finalized the specific language for its TTP Funding Agreements and will individually work with a tribe and state to complete the Agreement. Language has been made available to BIA and Tribes as well. 3. Funds must be tracked separately but the project is carried out like a TTP project.
23 USC 202(a)(9)” Authorizes State Transfer of “Title 23” funds to Tribal Governments
FY-2018 Work Plan Request for Tribal Input TTPCC seeks Tribal input on the issues that are impacting your transportation program. Please identify your issues and email them to your Regional representative(s) as soon as possible so that they may be included in the work plan
Increased Focus on Communication of TTPCC Materials Committee Member Reports BIA & FWHA Reports TTPCC Webpage
FY-2018 Proposed Meetings January 9 – 11 Navajo Region March 6 – 8 Northwest Region May 1 – 3 Bethel, Alaska July 24 – 26 Great Plains Region September 11 – 13 Sterling, VA 27