Semester Review Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
Random Places Questions: QuASM / ASM Tenses Vocabulary 10 20 30 40 50
Question 1 - 10 What is the meaning of “deposit” in terms of banking?
Answer 1 – 10 Putting money into the account
Question 1 - 20 Mention a gesture, its meaning, and why/how it can be interpreted through different cultures
Answer 1 – 20 Ex: Peace sign in reverse – can be polite or impolite Ex: Hands on hips – can be relaxed or threatening
Question 1 - 30 What part of speech are the words: can, could, may, might, shall, should, must, have to, will, would
Answer 1 – 30 Modals, a type of helping verb that expresses ability, possibility, permission, or obligation
Question 1 - 40 When you want to express a voluntary action in the future, what tense do you use? What word is best? Give an example.
Answer 1 – 40 Simple future tense, “will” Ex: I will help you.
Question 1 - 50 Create a question using present perfect tense. Give a possible affirmative reply (1st person, “I”).
Answer 1 – 50 Ex: Have you ever been to France? / Yes, I have been to France. Ex: Have you ever tasted nasi pecel? / Yes, I have tasted nasi pecel before.
Question 2 - 10 Name three types of places we had lessons about this semester.
Answer 2 – 10 Restaurant, shop/market, bank, hospital, travel…etc
Question 2 - 20 Give an impolite and polite example/explanation of something to say in a market/shop
Answer 2 – 20 Ex: Give me that. Ex: I’d like to see that, please. Ex: How much? Ex: Excuse me, how much is this?
Question 2 - 30 What are some important items you must bring with you if you want to do a transaction at a bank? List at least three
Answer 2 – 30 Form of identification such as drivers license or photo ID, bank card / debt / ATM card, check or withdrawal slip, money, etc.
Question 2 - 40 When talking about travel, how can you use superlatives to talk about a recent holiday or trip you took?
Answer 2 – 40 Ex: It was the best vacation… The hotel was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen… The food was the most delicious ever…
Question 2 - 50 If you’re at a restaurant with your best friend, what types of sentences can you make using comparatives to describe the foods you order?
Answer 2 – 50 Ex: Your food looks tastier than mine… I think your food smells better… Your meal seems more complete… Your food came faster...
Question 3 - 10 What does QuASM stand for?
Answer 3 – 10 Question, Auxiliary, Subject, Main Verb
Question 3 - 20 Give an example of a QuASM question.
Answer 3 – 20 Ex: How are you today?
Question 3 - 30 Give an example of an ASM question.
Answer 3 – 30 Ex: Are you hungry?
Question 3 - 40 What is the difference between ASM and QuASM questions?
Answer 3 – 40 ASM questions are yes/no, and QuASM questions feature question words (and can’t be answered yes/no)
Question 3 - 50 What is another name for auxiliary verb? Give three examples.
Answer 3 – 50 Auxiliary verbs are also known as “helping verbs” Ex: are, did, do, should, could, would (and other modals), is, have, has…
Question 4 - 10 What is the best tense to use if you’re talking about a plan? Give an example sentence.
Answer 4 – 10 Simple future tense. Ex: I am going to go home soon.
Question 4 - 20 Why is “present perfect tense” a bad name for the function of this tense?
Answer 4 – 20 Because it talks about things that happened in the past! This makes it tricky/confusing. BUT, we have to remember, that in “present perfect,” we use “have/has” (present form) + V3… which means it happened, generally, in the past.
Question 4 - 30 Create a simple future sentence using “will”. What is the structure? Will + V2 Will + V1 Will + V3 Will + Verb-ing Will + to + V1
Answer 4 – 30 Ex: She will finish her homework later. Structure here: Will + v1
Question 4 - 40 Make a present perfect sentence using the subject “she” and the verb “to see”. Describe the meaning and why we use present perfect rather than simple past.
Answer 4 – 40 Ex: She has seen that movie before. It means she saw the movie in the past, but we use “present perfect” because we don’t have a specific time.
Question 4 - 50 Make a present perfect sentence using the subject “I” and the verb “to have”. Describe the meaning.
Answer 4 – 50 Ex: I have had a boyfriend for two years. It means “I” have a boyfriend now, and our relationship started two years ago (i.e. it started in the past and continues to now)
Question 5 - 10 What is a “withdrawal,” and where does it happen?
Answer 5 – 10 It means “taking out,” and it usually happens in the bank or at an ATM.
Question 5 - 20 When can’t we say the word “ever” in the present perfect tense?
Answer 5 – 20 In positive statements, ex: “I ever been to Bali…” NO! “I have been to Bali…” Yes
Question 5 - 30 What is “bargaining,” and where does it usually happen?
Answer 5 – 30 It means debate/argue over the price of something until agreement, and it usually happens in the market or in a shop
Question 5 - 40 What is “body language” and why is it important?
Answer 5 – 40 Facial, eye, hand, leg, body movements + gestures They are important because they give additional information about the person’s feelings, emotions, meaning, or attitude based on what they’re saying
Question 5 - 50 What is the word “must”? A verb An adjective A modal A superlative Create a sentence using the word “must” and the subject “we”.
Answer 5 – 50 It is a modal Ex: We must study as hard as we can.