Stroke imaging M3 radiology August 2014
Why used in ED Add image Head CT
What can head CT show?
Hemorrhagic infarct
Vasogenic Cytotoxic
Large MCA Lev, Michael Radiology Oct 1999 p150-5 Look carefully with contrasty stroke windows to see subtle acute infarcts. This is a CTA. Works for CT nonconrast too. Still most acute infarcts not seen in first few hours. This does increase chance of seeing some acute infarcts by CT. Lev, Michael Radiology Oct 1999 p150-5
Motorstrip Where is the the bright gray matter not present? This is the acute infarct.
Motorstrip Where is the the bright gray matter not present? This is the acute infarct.
Non contrast Dense vessel and CT angiogram clot
Top of ICA clot? case
Clot on CTA
Case LP Now One year prior
Basilar clot
Subacute or remote infarct
Take away White – Acute blood Black – Remote blood Normal – Acute infarct Black – Remote infarct Take away
Acute infarct CT vs MRI
Insular ribbon
Basal ganglia
one Acute and one Chronic
Subacute and remote infarcts
Endovascular tPA or mechanical
Neck Vessels CTA, MRA, US, Catheter