Healthy Church Qualities Empowering Leadership Gift Based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Holistic Small Groups Need Oriented Evangelism Loving Relationships
Definition Holistic Small Group A group of individual Christians that come together to form disciple-making communities to reach out to the unchurched, meet individual needs, and develop each person according to their God-given gifts. Holistic Small Groups provide practical help, spiritual interaction, apply biblical insights to everyday issues, raise leaders to sustain the church, and grow and multiply.
Directions for Congregation Think about why Holistic Small Groups was identified as CCHP’s minimum attribute. Use post it notes - one thought per note - to list the barriers you think prevent the formation of small groups. As NCD team collects your notes, you may go to Founders Hall for fellowship and coffee. NCD team will tabulate your input and share the results.
Next Steps Action Planning Work Shop in Two Weeks to identify ways to address the barriers to growing holistic small group participation. The NCD Team thanks you for your participation and input.