Cherenkov Telescope Array


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Presentation transcript:

Cherenkov Telescope Array J. Carr March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr

CTA Project A huge improvement in all aspects of performance A factor ~10 in sensitivity, much wider energy coverage, much better resolution, field-of-view, full sky, … A user facility / proposal-driven observatory With two sites with a total of >100 telescopes A 27 nation ~€200M project Including everyone from HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS Global project, >1000 scientists, 27 nations including of course Brazil It will be an order of magnitude more sensitive than current instruments and also … Requires the construction of over 100 Cherenkov telescopes Timescale… Prototypes: 2013-17 First Science: ~2017 Completion: ~2020

E × F(>E) (TeV/cm2s) Sensitivity: Fermi HESS CTA Energy (TeV) SST 10 -11 Fermi 1 year HESS 10 -12 E × F(>E) (TeV/cm2s) Sensitivity: 50 hours 10 -13 CTA 10 --14 0.01 0.1 1 Energy (TeV) 10 100 SST Low energies 4 orders … To achieve this level of sensitivity over a wide range of energies CTA requires three sizes of telescope MST LST

CTA MST Prototype in Berlin

Sites: Candidates A many sites Decisions 2014 Site development 2017 Tenerife SPM - Mexico Arizona (2) Aar/HESS Namibia Argentina (2) Chile - Armazones A many sites Extensive studies taken place Decisions 2014 Selection will take into account weather, construction / operations costs, performance (from simulations), risks, … Site development 2017 First telescopes operating on site in 2017

CTA Science Cosmic Particle Acceleration, Propagation and Impact Mechanisms for particle acceleration, galactic CR acceleration and Pevatrons, acceleration in jets and lobes of AGN, cosmic ray transport, … What role do accelerated particles play in feedback on star formation and galaxy evolution? Probing Extreme Environments Neutron stars and black holes, relativistic jets, winds and explosions, the contents of cosmic voids, … Physics Frontiers  What is the nature of Dark Matter? How is it distributed? Is the speed of light a constant for high-energy photons? Do axion-like particles exist? CTA has three science themes, the first of which is the main business of this conference – the study of relativistic cosmic particles: their acceleration sites…

Indirect Searches for Dark Matter March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr

Targets for IDM Searches March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr

Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr Comparison of targets March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr

Internal Bremsstralung March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr

Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr Reach of IDM searches March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr

CTA Reach HESS Galactic objects Field of view + sens. CTA 5° 8° Current Galactic VHE sources (with distance estimates) HESS Galactic objects Newly born pulsars and the supernova remnants have typical brightness such that HESS etc can see only relatively local (typically at a few kpc) objects CTA will see whole Galaxy Field of view + sens. Survey speed ~300×HESS CTA 5° 8°

Astroparticle Physics, J. Carr Tycho SNR: “Pevatron” Morlino and Caprioli Astro-ph/1105.6342 March 2014 Astroparticle Physics, J. Carr

Astroparticle Physics, J. Carr Hadronic SNRs Manelartz and Tjus astro-ph/1301.2437 Northern Sky Southern Sky March 2014 Astroparticle Physics, J. Carr

Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr Effective Area CTA 10 TeV Energy CTA: 2.5 106 m2 ICECUBE: 10 m2 CTA sensitive to hadronic sources with fluxes 10-5 lower than ICECUBE (KM3NeT) March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr

CTA Resolution CTA 10 Arcminutes Requirement Goal 1 point-source sensitivity is not the whole story and crtiically CTA will achieve by far the best angular resolution of any instrument above the X-ray band below one arcminute at the highest energies, with resolved images of most objects and hence a deeper understanding of the astrophysics of these objects. resolved systems -> more science CTA Goal 1

The Galactic Centre CTA resolution+sensitivity can disentangle emission HESS PSF SNR G0.9+0.1 Sgr A* Sgr B2 CTA PSF And to return to the galactic centre – it is clear that our curtent understanding is limited be resolution – in particular the ability to separate diffuse emission and point-like sources... NRAO: 20cm, 1.1mm, 5 μm HESS

Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr CTA Schedule Design Study Design development 2006-9 CTA appears on key roadmaps Preparatory Phase EU FP7 funded activity 2010-14 Preliminary Design Review 2013 Site Selection 2014 Critical Design Review 2015 Construction Phase Site development and first telescopes on site 2017 First science 2017 Completion ~2020 March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr

Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr HESS Science on HESS immediately to prepare for science on CTA 4 12m telescopes + 1  28m telescope operational March 2014 Cherenkov Telescope Array, J. Carr