He Saves! John 3:13-21 (p. 979)
What is God Like? Study of Children’s ideas about God 2 groups: Religious (Christian) and Non-Religious (ex-Communist) Children under 9 (both groups similar): God rules, watches, guards, protects. He is prudent, intelligent & friendly. Children 10+ : Big difference between groups. Religious: Loving, caring God, wants to be with people, helps them. Non-Religious: Question power of God. Must be weak, disinterested, doesn’t exist.
What is God Like? ... What do you think God is like? Today: we look at why Jesus came Discovering what God is like.
1. He Came to SAVE Jesus’ Mission: Rescue all who will believe. Common perspective: If God exists he should fix everything. The manner of God’s rescue does not fit human expectations. Common attitude: “Just fix IT!” Biblical attitude: “Please fix US!”
1. He Came to SAVE ... Temptation: Act according to what we’d like God to be, rather than who He actually is or what He has commanded. Common misconceptions: Angry Judge “Loving Father” but not “Holy Lord” Far away and disinterested Not compassionate, not empowering. Jesus came to save!
2. The Rescue starts with being BORN AGAIN Jesus was teaching and doing miracles in Jerusalem. Nicodemus meets Jesus Jesus talks of being “Born Again” (v 3, 5) to see / enter the Kingdom Nicodemus was offended – he was a descendant of Abraham
2. The Rescue starts with being BORN AGAIN ... Everyone must be “Born of the Spirit” – both Jew & Gentile. Hard to receive – must be accepted as testimony from above. Moses & the Snake (Num 21:4-9) Snakes were sent as judgment Could be healed if bitten by looking at the Bronze snake. People had a daily reminder of consequences of sin & God’s mercy.
2. The Rescue starts with being BORN AGAIN ... Jesus must be “lifted up” – crucifixion and resurrection. “Everyone who believes may have eternal life in Him” (v 15)
The Rescue was a Costly Gift of Love The one “lifted up” is the “One and only son” (v 16) Because God SO loved the world. Not to condemn the world but to save it (v 17) The world was “already” under condemnation (v 18) All that is wrong is under curse and will be destroyed. Nothing in our world is in a state of neutrality towards God (Luke 11:23)
Our society wants God to fix the world without inconveniencing us! God will fix the world Not according to our agenda! Our society wants God to fix the world without inconveniencing us! Temptation in our thinking: Its God’s fault that there’s poverty, abuse, greed, conflict, ... Leads to an inaccurate picture of God. God’s plan of salvation is way outside our expectations
God will fix the world ... Cannot fit God into our existing assumptions. Interestingly Nicodemus came to faith somewhere along the way (John 19:39). What about you?