Solicitors Qualifying Examination Reference Group – 3 November 2017 Julie Brannan Director of Education and Training
Agenda 10.30 - 10.45 Welcome and purpose of group 10.45 - 11.45 SQE update – questions and discussion 11. 45 - 12.15 Toolkit – table discussion 12.15 - 12.30 Any other issues and next steps
Purpose of group To share information to support the introduction of the SQE Not the only forum to discuss the SQE – SQE LinkedIn group, December conference for universities and training providers, one to one meetings Not the forum to debate whether the SQE should be introduced Not confidential – materials and note of discussion points will be shared with the SQE LinkedIn group, member interests will be disclosed Focus may shift once we have appointed the assessment organisation
Why SQE? High professional standards Greater flexibility in training routes Next steps: How to implement, practical issues Call for more detail
Key milestones
SQE four elements for admission Liz suggested that I add this one in
How it is being assessed What we do know The assessment process What is being assessed How it is being assessed Competence Statement Knowledge Statement Threshold Standard Draft Assessment Specification SQE Stage 1 SQE Stage 2
SQE stage 1 Functioning Legal Knowledge Assessments Principles of Professional Conduct, Public and Administrative law and the legal systems of England and Wales Dispute Resolution in Contract and/or Tort Property Law and Practice Business Law and Practice Wills and the Administration of Estates and Trusts Criminal Law and Practice Practical Legal Skills Assessment Legal Research Writing Skills
SQE stage 2 Practical Legal Skills Assessments Client interviewing Advocacy/Persuasive Oral Communication Case and Matter Analysis – including Negotiation Planning Legal Research and Written Advice Legal Drafting Assessed in the following contexts: Criminal Practice; Dispute Resolution; Property; Wills and the Administration of Estates; Business Practice
Qualifying work experience (QWE) Learn the practical work of a solicitor Exposure to ethics Development of professional competences SQE 2 assesses competences developed during QWE Sign off by COLP or solicitor
For example Three year law degree route Results Job start date confirmed by firm Results given before end of QWE SQE 1 SQE 2 Leave uni with trainee job offer Start two years work experience Firm makes qualified job offer Results I haven’t put any dates on this as after talking it through with Liz we felt it complicated it too much.
What we don’t know Cost of assessment and training Sample questions Final detailed form of assessment Start date – 2020 is target What training courses will be available
Practical arrangements Two exam sittings per year SQE available in England and Wales And (for written tests) internationally Future – more sittings in more places 2
Results Marks will be published to students Consistent standard over time Objective data available to firms to support recruitment Re-sits Three attempts over six years If your trainee fails – must repeat to pass
Transition Currently consulting Last academic year on old system is 2019/2020 Start QLD/CPE before 2020: choose to continue under old system to 2031, or qualify under SQE
Tool kit It won’t It will Provide clear, accessible and relevant information Align with the remaining development of the SQE Help you think about what you need to do to prepare for the SQE It won’t Provide bespoke advice to individuals currently qualifying on the most appropriate pathway for them. We will provide pointers for people to consider Advise firms on how to respond to changes but we will highlight points that they may want to consider
Toolkit Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Pre SQE development Getting ready for the SQE Phase 2 1st year of SQE development/testing Transitional arrangements Assessment approach Position of Qualified Lawyers Phase 3 2nd year of SQE development and testing Material on testing/assessment questions Qualifying Work Experience Process for qualification as a Qualified Lawyer Becoming a recognised jurisdiction Phase 4 Implementation Guidance on meeting regulations
Toolkit Event Name Here 12/02/2007 Top Level Level 1 Level 2 Generic Persona content Current SQE content Short overview of SQE How people can use these resources Information release infographic- what are we releasing and when Share your ideas / thoughts – #sqeready I want to be a solicitor I employ solicitors I am a qualified lawyer I am an apprentice I deliver training I provide training Videos that explain why SQE is being introduced Implementation milestone info graphic Periscope sessions Feedback / join our LinkedIn group Competence Statement, threshold statement, statement of legal knowledge Project Name: HMRC v1.8
What information do you want to see in the tool kit? Table discussion What information do you want to see in the tool kit? How can we do this?
Any other issues and next steps Keep in touch