Freshwater Wetlands By= Clare Thompson
Productivity The average productivity for freshwater wetlands ranges from 600-2000 gC/m2/y. On average freshwater wetlands have the highest primary productivity in the world.
Major Life Forms Plant life found in these wetlands are sphagnum moss, cypress trees, various shrub, and reeds. Animals included in freshwater wetlands are snakes, alligators, birds, beavers, and shrimp. [Alligator]. (n.d.). Retrieved from wp-content/uploads/2012/12/ 4-575-4589710468_be725d8f2a_o-gator-walking-Flickr-user-Andrea-Westmoreland.jpg
Abiotic Limiting Factors Abiotic limiting factors of a freshwater wetland include salinity and sunlight.
Special Features The water in this biome has the unique ability of being able to naturally cleanse it's surface water. Florida and Louisiana are states with large freshwater wetlands. [Everglades]. (n.d.). Retrieved from files/styles/large_list_image_2x/public/ everglades-green.jpg?itok=msCOxMAH×tamp=1473879269
Plant Adaptation Plants adapt to the particular water cycle of a swamp or marsh. Plants adapt to different wetting and drying cycles. The river red gum requires these cycles to reproduce. Plants also adapt to low levels of oxygen in soil because they are waterlogged. Plants that have adapted to these conditions are hakeas and swamp mahogany. To adapt to the low oxygen plants have hollow stems to move oxygen. [Swamp mahogany]. (n.d.). Retrieved from 9449213271_c2454f588b_b.jpg
Animal Adaptation Animals in the freshwater wetlands have adapted to move quickly in the water. Many animals that live in swamps have webbed feet to swim faster like the otter. Other organisms also have paddle like legs. The Pond Skater uses these legs to glide over water. Animals have also adapted to hunt prey. The alligator will dig through clay to reach a body of water and lie and wait for its prey. Pond skater [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved from pond-skater/
Bibliography Kittmer, L. (2017, April 25). Plant & animal adaptations in swamps. Retrieved from Sciencing website: Plants in wetlands. (2017, August 28). Retrieved from Office of Environment & Heritage website: Primary productivity. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2017, from Biology 778 website: Smith, B. (2017, April 24). Limiting factors of the freshwater biome. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from Sciencing website: 8210453.html Types of wetlands. (n.d.). Retrieved from Defenders of Wildlife website: Wetland biome. (2012, April 3). Retrieved October 12, 2017, from BioExpedition website: