Articles 4-7
EQ In what ways should the “United States” cooperate?(4) What does it take to change the Constitution?(5) What is the Supremacy Clause mean?
Article 4 (State Relations) All American citizens shall be given the same privileges and immunities of each state they are in
Extradition- if a person flees a state they committed a crime in, and then they are caught in another state, the person will be returned to the state where the crime happened to stand trial
New STates Approved by congress into the union Congress is responsible for creating all laws and regulations for American Territories (Guam, Puerto Rico, America Samoa, and u.s. Virgin Islands)
Every state has a promise of a republican form of government and protections from foreign invasions
Article 5 (Amending the Constitution)
Important fractions In the Congress both houses must have at least 2/3 majority At the state level (legislature and Convention) must have 3/4 majority Why does the state need to have a higher percentage for an amendment to go into affect?
Article 6 (National Gov’t Supremecy) all debts valid before and after ratification Supreme law- the constitution is the supreme law of the land States cannot create laws contrary to the Constitution
All public officers will take an oath of office to uphold the constitution
Article 7 (ratification) 9/13 states must ratify the constitution in order for it to become the law of the land