Open surgery for Varicose veins Ganesh Kuhan Nottingham University Hospitals
Treatment of varicose veins Endothermal ablation Foam sclerotherapy Open Surgery Compression Nice 2013 Current nice guidelines published in 2013 suggest that all patients should be offered endothermal ablation as a first line treatment. If they are not suitable for EVT then foam should be offered and as a 3 rd line procedure open surgery stands
Anatomy Basic anatomy there are deep and sup venous system. Sup venous system has long and short saphenous sytstem as shown, sf junction, spj, lsv, ssv are shown
Tortuous dilated veins Indications Tortuous dilated veins Large saphenovarix ? Extensive varicosities ? Failed endovenous procedures Relative contra-indications Previous DVT Arterial insufficiency Patient co morbidity Morbid obesity Indications as it stands for open surgery is patients not suitable for EVT, foam. These are few and far. Pts who have extensive varicosities, tortuao and dilated veins, large sapheno varix and faiiled EVT
Technique Conventional surgery under GA ligation of the sapheno-femoral or sapheno-popliteal junctions vein stripping and multiple stab avulsions The open proc needs GA, main junctions are sf, sp dissected ligated, LSV, ssv stripped and multiple stab avulsionbs
High tie
SPJ ligation
Complications common: minor haemorrhage, thrombophlebitis, haematoma, wound problems, severe pain less common sural/ saphenous nerves rare damage to deep veins, arteries, nerves, DVT
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