Key Questions to ask when analyzing media messages…
Key Questions to ask when analyzing media messages…
How can you be sure your lesson is developing the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that are central to media literacy education? Consider… Are students asking their own questions about media? Are students asking questions when they are making media as well as using media? Are students using multiple means of expression? (image, sound word) Are students seeking multiple sources of information to determine which is most appropriate or reliable for the task? Are students being asked to justify opinions or interpretations with specific, document-based evidence?
How can you be sure your lesson is developing the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that are central to media literacy education? Consider… Are students incorporating analysis and/or examination of how media structures (e.g., ownership, sponsorship, or distribution) influence how they make meaning of media messages? Are students focusing on a media document’s significance (including who benefits and who is disadvantaged) rather than trying to determine whether a particular piece of media is “good” or “bad”? Are students moving through anger and cynicism about media to skepticism, reflection, and action?