La historia de España Prehistory up to 1492
30,000 to 50,000 BC- Evidence of life in Spain Cave paintings of Cova Negra, Piñar, and Altamira 3000 BC- Iberians came from Africa. Iberian Peninsula 1200 BC- Celts entered from northern part of Spain Celtiberians 1100 BC- Phoenicians came in and founded trading posts- Cadiz
600BC- Greeks interested in trade. Brought grapes and olive trees. Carthagenians conquered parts of Spain- Punic Wars
Romans defeated Carthagenians. Invaded the peninsula and called it Hispania 400 years of progress Language Laws and customs Religion Cities Aqueducts, bridges, roads, temples
409 AD- Romans defeated in Spain by Gothic tribes (Visigoths) 419 AD- Visigoths established their own kingdom Recared “First Catholic King of Spain”
The Moors 711- Moors invaded Spain. Arabic followers of Islam, Mohammad Allah 722-Most of Spain defeated except a portion of the north. Pelayo 732- France Charles Martel
711-1492- La Reconquista Period of conflict between the Moors and the Christians 1469- Marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of Castile 1492 Moors expelled Columbus voyage to the New World Nebrija wrote the rules of grammar
Contributions of the Moors Architecture Art and literature Math and sciences- Algebra
“El Cid” Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (1043-1099) Cid- Arabic word “sidi” meaning lord Spain’s national hero. Made famous in the epic poem “Cantar de Mio Cid” Written down by Pere Abbot
Epic poem Long poem which tells the story of some person or a great event Illiad –story of the Trojan War-Greek Odyssey-story of Odysseus journey home from the Trojan War-Greek Chanson du Roland- France Beowulf-England
Names to know for “El Cid” 1086 Moor Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar El Cid Emir Bin Yusef Allah Mutamin Fañez
Don Diego Burgos King Ferdinand Castile Leon Asturias Chimene (Jimena) Don Garcia Ordoñez Sancho
Alfonso Doña Uraca King’s champion Count Gomez Calajara Don Martin Babieca Valencia Sol Elvira