Ancient Religions Webquest Alexandra Sapienza EDU 505 Summer 2013
Introduction Oh no! A zombie apocalypse has occured all over the world!! In order to survive, you must travel back in time to an Ancient civilization. There will be several research teams that will visit a different civilization and learn about the religion. When visiting, the team must collect a list of information about the religions. Upon your return, you and your research team will present your information to the class. Religion is more than a belief in a god or diety. Religion is a philosophy and for many people, a way of life. Religion impacts a person's view of the world. Due to this, your decision to move to that civilization will be based on the civilization’s religion. The world is counting on you!!
Task As part of a research team, you will choose one ancient civilization religion to travel back to. You and your group must work cooperatively to collect all the information necessary to complete the graphic organizer and map. Then, you will put your information into a presentation format, and show the rest of you community (other research teams) your findings. At the end, you will decide on which civilization to chose for solace! Religions to choose from: Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam
Process 2 parts You and your team will choose a religion. You are to complete the graphic organizer and fill in the necessary information taken from a website I will provide. In addition to that website, you will be required to use the pamphlet “How to Judge the Quality of a Website” and your prior knowledge about internet sources to find 2 other legitimate informational websites.
After gathering information from 3 websites and completing the graphic organizer, you and your research team must present the information to the community (other research teams). The format for your presentation is up to each research team. Some ideas are…powerpoint, movie, speeches, worksheet, etc.
Resources Internet Sources for: Judaism Islam Hinduism Christianity Buddhism How to Judge the Quality of a Website Graphic organizer & map
Evaluation Cooperative Learning Rubric 1 2 3 4 Contributed to group goals Works toward group goals only when prompted Works towards group goals with occasional prompting Works towards group goals without occasional prompting; accepts and fulfills individual role Consistently and actively works towards group goals and fulfills individual roles Working and sharing with others Participates in needed changes when prompted and encouraged; always or often relies on others to do the work with occasional prompting; often needs reminding to do the assignment Willingly participates in needed changes; usually does the assigned work and rarely needs reminding Helps the group identify necessary changes and encourages group action for change; always does the assigned work without having to be reminded Contribution of knowledge Contributes information to the group only when prompted Contributes information to the group with occasional prompting or reminding Contributes knowledge, opinions, and skills to the group without prompting Consistently and actively contributes knowledge, opinions, and skills without prompting or reminding
Research and Graphic Organizer Rubric 1 2 3 4 Internet Use Does not successfully search for relevant information, using search engines. Does not seek assistance. Does not use 3 sources and/or not legitimate sources. Searches for relevant information on Internet, with some assistance. Does not use 3 sources and/or not legitimate sources. Searches and finds relevant information, with minimal assistance but, does not use 3 sources. Successfully searches for relevant information, using search engines. Uses 3 legitimate sources. Graphic organizer Is missing all or most of the chart information and map is not complete Is missing 4 or more components of the chart and/or map is not completed Organizer is completed but lacking some information and map is completed Successfully completed the organizer with all information and map is completed
Oral Presentation Rubric Taken from
Conclusion Over the next two years, you will be learning about World History- the rise and fall of cities, conquests, exchange, and growth over time. It is important that you understand these major religions. Knowing how and why they started provides you with knowledge about their influences on the people, communities, and culture over time.
Teacher Page CCSS- 9th grade SL 9.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. SL 9.2 Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. W 9.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. NYS Social Studies Standards- 9th grade Global Era 3 Standard 3: How major religions and large-scale empires arose in the Mediterranean basin, China, and India, 500 BCE-300 CE