Judaism: Special occasions


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Presentation transcript:

Judaism: Special occasions Aim: What happens at a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah? Starter: What special occasions or ceremonies have you been through? (Religious, non-religious, rites of passage) Q: Discuss what effect have they had on you? Have they changed you in any way (physically, mentally, and spiritually)? Q: Discuss whether other people treat you differently having been through an important ceremony? Q: Discuss why these ceremonies are important?

Lesson Outcomes All students will understand the key concepts and practices of a Bar Mitzvah. Some will take this further and be able to reflect on the meaning. A few will complete the above and in addition will begin to express an opinion on Bar Mitzvah's.

Consider yourself one of the family! Circumcision or Brit Milah Any child born to a Jewish mother is considered a Jew. A Jewish girl does not have to go through the same initiation ceremony as a baby boy. The Brit Milah (circumcision ceremony) is an important initiation rite for young Jewish boys. Circumcision is a religious requirement on Jews recalling the covenant that God made with Abraham. This Ceremony takes place when the child is eight days old. The Brit Milah is usually attended by men. The child is placed on the lap of a male friend or relative who has the honour of being the Sandek. He has the responsibility of holding the child still whilst the circumcision is performed by a Mohel. Naming the baby Baby boys are also given their names at their circumcisions; it is customary to keep the name a secret before the ceremony. It is traditional for the child to receive his or her name at the first public gathering, so if the child is a girl, then she will be named at the first public reading of the Torah at the Synagogue. Being a Jew. Task 1. Ask students to place on a timeline the key events in the life of many Jews identified in the clip. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/being-a-jew/3673.html Website, Jewish birth and circumcision. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/judaism/rites/birth.shtml

Coming of age ceremony! What is a bar mitzvah and a bat mitzvah? They are both special ceremonies where Jewish boys (aged 13) and girls (aged 12) can become adults in the eyes of the Jewish religion. Bar mitzvah is for boys and means Son of the Commandment. Bat mitzvah is for girls and means Daughter of the Commandment. Class Clips 3667 – Bar Mitzvah. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/bar-mitzvah/3667.html Class Clips 7469 – Bar Mitzvah. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/bar-mitzvah/7469.html Video Bat Mitzvah http://www.theholocaustexplained.org/ks3/judaism-and-jewish-life/jewish-religious-practice/rights-of-passage-barmitzvah-and-batmitzvah/