The Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system in China China, Quan Shaowei 2014 May Daejeon
CRVS system in China the Ministry of Public Security the National Health and Family Planning Commission the Ministry of Civil Affairs the Ministry of Education the National Bureau of Statistics
the Ministry of Public Security household registration birth registration mortality registration begin from 1950s
the National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC) birth registration maternal and child health cause of death
birth registration By the Ministry of Public Security By the health department (hospitals) By the family planning departmen The birth registration by hospitals can satisfy the request of the vital statistics, but haven’t established a networking database, lack the information of rural and urban
the maternal and child health Maternal Mortality Rate Under 5 Mortality Rate Infant Mortality Rate Neonatal Mortality Rate Can listed by rural and urban Rural and urban defination is not the same as the NBS
the maternal and child health 1990-1995 establish surveillance network Maternal Mortality – 247 points Under 5 mortality -81 point 1996-2006 Combine Maternal and under 5 surveillance network Choose 116 points from the old points 2007 expand to 336 points
The Cause of Death Standard: 1990,1995,2000 according the ICD-9 From 2002 ICD-10 Gather from annual report Figures listed by gender, disease, age, rural and urban.
The Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) marriages and divorces registration Recorded by individual, but haven’t achieved national networking Publish provincial yearbooks, marriage listed by age groups and counties, divorce listed by counties, not listed by rural and urban.
The Ministry of Education(MOE) education statistics education statistics figures are published every year ,including number of students in every grade and category.
the Census and Survey Census- In years ending in 0 1% survey - In years ending in 5 1‰ survey – other years Carried out by NBS
Census of China the 6th census has been carried out in 2010. Item: sex, age, nation, education level, industry, occupation, social security, marriage and fertility, mortality, migration, housing, unemployment.
The population Survey Established officially from 1983 Conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics once a year( except census years) Provide reliable population data at the national and provincial level every year such as: annual total population population structural changes: fertility and mortality urban population proportion
The same standard of survey and census Three types of resident peoples from censuses and surveys with the same standard: residing in the township, towns and street communities with permanent household registration there residing in the township, towns and street communities, with permanent household registration elsewhere, away from there for more than 6 months residing in the township, towns and street communities, with place of permanent household registration unsettled
The Application of Vivil Registration in the Vital Statistics The household registration data is the basis of the census and survey. For the residence indicators are designed base on the household registration The birth and mortality data from the NHFPC can promote the register of the birth and mortality in the census and survey. The composition of population can be checked and estimated by the education data, especially the birth data The marriage and divorce data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs is the main resource of annual marriages and divorces The cause of death data from the NHFPC is the main resource of the cause of death
The way next The standard of rural and urban: NBS have a strict definition for rural and urban. But haven’t applied in other agencies. If the standard can applied in all the civil registration system, the definition of rural and urban will be unified.
The Way Next Some of the civil registration system hasn’t achieved the national network, and most database can’t be shared to other agencies. For that, a comprehensive database based on unique identity card number is projected, in which all civil registrations are included and the data will update on time.