The Burial at Thebes (Antigone) By Sophocles Prof. Ruth M. McAdams 31 October 2016
Lecture Overview 1) GENDER! 2) Proper Burial 3) Antigone adapted 4) Discussion Questions
Part One: GENDER Antigone or Antigonick?
Iliad, Book 1 – Briseis Patroclus obeyed [Achilles] and brought Briseis, cheeks flushed, out of the tent And gave her to the heralds, who led her away. She went unwillingly. Iliad 1.358-361
Genesis 1-3 Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach the Elder 1526
The Bechdel Test 1. Are there at least two female characters who have names? 2. Do they talk to each other? 3. Do they talk about something other than a man?
Ismene’s view (page 10) “How do you think we’d fare If we went against the order? Two women on our own Faced with a death decree— Women, defying Creon? It’s not a woman’s place. We’re weak where they are strong. Whether it’s this or worse We must do as we’re told.”
Family Tree
Female Defiance, 1 “Who does she think she is? The man in charge? Have I to be the woman of the house and take her orders?” (31) Get her away from here. And the other one. Women were never meant for this assembly. From now on they’ll be kept in place again And better be . . .” (38)
Female Defiance, 2 “When discipline goes, self-discipline goes as well And once that happens cities, homes, and armies collapse, inevitably. Failure of rule is the most destructive thing. Obedience and respect must be instilled. And that is why No woman here is going to be allowed to walk all over us. Otherwise, as men, we’ll be disgraced. We won’t deserve the name.” (42)
Creon vs. Haemon stichomythia: very short lines of dialogue delivered rapidly back-and- forth, allowing two positions to be juxtaposed
Part Two. Proper Burial.
Employment Contract, Teaching Staff of Foreign Nationality, Boğaziçi University Article 3d. In the event of death, the costs of the transfer of the mortal remains of the deceased to his/her home country will be covered.
The Infinity Burial Suit
Part 3. Antigone Adapted.
Antigone to Ismene: “From now on and no matter How your mind may change, I’ll never accept your help. I will bury him myself. And if death comes, so be it. They’ll be glory in it.” (10-11) . . . . . “Here and now, Ismene I hate you for this talk. And the dead are going to hate you.” (12)
Part Four: Discussion Questions The Burial at Thebes and Aristotle’s Poetics Fate and Free Will Civil Disobedience