Mrs. Erickson’s 2nd Grade Memos Special Notes SPECIALS Upcoming Events SOAR to New Heights September 11-22 Main Office: 952-496-5952 Absence Line: 952-496-5953 Upcoming Events Sneak Peek of the next two weeks Parent Info Night 5:00 pm 9/21 Read a Thon Kickoff 9/25 Early Release Day 9/27 Fall Picture Day 9/29 Read-a-Thon 10/17 NO SCHOOL 10/18-10/20 Fall Party Day 10/31 Picture Retake Day 11/1 PTO Family Bingo Night 11/3 1st Quarter Ends 11/9 NO SCHOOL 11/10 Word Work: We will be working with high frequency words, nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Reading: We will review and practice various reading strategies. We will also review and practice classroom expectations during reading time. Writing: We will be reviewing the writing process and begin some storytelling. Students will also practice good listening habits/appropriate behaviors (something you could discuss at home too), and create a list of possible writing topics. Math: We will review money, finding patterns within numbers and create partner houses (math facts). We will also review many math concepts taught in first grade. Health: Bus Safety will be our focus. Other: Over the next couple of weeks, we will be testing each student’s reading level as well as taking the CoGAT Test and the MAP Reading and Math tests. Special Notes ** Please make sure to read the daily planner message and initial it each day. **“Red Folders” will be sent home every Monday filled with important information. Please return ASAP. **Attendance Line: If your child will not be in school, please call and leave a message on our Attendance Line at 952-496-5953. **Morning arrival: Students may not arrive at Red Oak Elementary, prior to 8:45am. We do not have supervision until that time. ** Math homework will be sent home in Monday Red Folders and due back to school on Friday. **The best place to get information about what exactly we are working on in Math is from the parent letters that will come home every few lessons! Those are great resources for what to reinforce at home. My Email: SPECIALS Week of 11th: Mon: GYM Tues: ART Wed: MUSIC Thurs: GYM Fri: ART Week of 18th: Mon: GYM Tues: MUSIC Wed: GYM Thurs: MEDIA Fri: MUSIC