First Grade Mrs. Bourque’s Nov. 13th Academic Focus Reminders Upcoming Events Picture Retakes, Tuesday, 11/14 Fall Break/No School- Nov. 20th- Nov. 24th Tuesday, 11/28- PTO Meeting @ 1:30 pm Thursday, 11/30- Fieldtrip to Ocala Civic Theatre Class Dojo Shopping- Our class earns Dojo points each day. Students are allowed to purchase items 2x a month with these points. We could use candy (Airheads, Smarties, Dum Dum Lollipops, Sugar Free gum), for the kids to purchase with their points. Treasure Chest- We could use any items you can donate…..such as cute pencils, McDonald’s type toys (new or gently used), Dollar Tree type seasonal items (I look for items with 6-8 items per package) Math-. Students will work on representing numbers to 120 as tens and ones (for example, students should understand that 10 tens and 9 ones= 109- students should be able to read, write, and draw and quick picture of 109. Students will work on decomposing a number in different ways. For example, the number 68 can be represented as 68 ones, 6 tens and 8 ones, OR 5 tens and 18 ones. Reading- We will be having a review week this week in Reading. Students will review the Phonics skills of short e (bed), short u (rug) , ending blends, digraphs th, sh, ng, and digraphs ch, tch, wh. We will also review character, setting and events, AND Main Idea and Key details Writing- We will continue learning about informative/explanatory writing. Students will name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. We will continue a writing explaining how and why the Pilgrims came to North America. Science- We will conclude our STEAM Science Project (in class) on how friction effects the movement of an object. We will explore other STEM projects related to Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims, and the Mayflower. Social Studies-. We will focus on the importance of Native Americans such as Squanto, and compare/contrast the First Thanksgiving to Thanksgiving today. We are also working on a Reader’s Theatre about The First Thanksgiving. Smarty Ants- Rewards will be given for each grade level (at each award assembly) for most time spent on Smarty Ants and most improvement on skills on Smarty Ants. Message from Mrs. Bourque Smarty Ants (Reading) and Prodigy (Math)- These are excellent extended learning opportunities for you child to do at home. I will be having lunch each Friday with the top 3 Smarty Ants and top 3 Prodigy students each Friday.