Cognos 8 Cognos Connection Cognos CoE Preparing a model for reporting involves refining the metadata you imported into a project so that you can provide the information that your report authors require. Any enhancements you make to the data source metadata does not affect the original data source. You cannot rename data source objects if they are referenced by a Framework Manager object. Internal and Confidential
Cognos Connection Query Studio Ad hoc Reporting Report Studio Report Authoring Cognos Connection (Web portal) Report Viewer Viewer Analysis Studio Analysis Event Studio Event Cycle Mgmt.
Cognos Connection (*) Out-of-the-box user interface Tools : Open Private labeling (OEM or customer)
Cognos Connection - Administrator Directory Drill Through definitions Navigate through while Analyzing Report Portal administration Manage portlet and portal layout
Cognos Connection – Administrator (cont) Capabilities Set access rights to UI components and features Server administration Monitor Configure Schedule management Content Administration Administrate jobs
Cognos Connection – User Public folders Packages Folders Reports Custom views Jobs Agents My folders Personal reports My pages Schedule management Preferences Report output in xml, pdf, html, xhtml formats Report distribution Report management Report views
Pages and Portal pages A Portal page is a page that is shown in the Cognos Connection portal. A page is a content object. A user can : create his/her own page. save it in Public Folders or My Folders. as any other object, it can be access restricted (security). add the page as part of the Cognos Connection portal (portal page)
Pages and Portal pages (cont)
Pages and Portlets A page contents portlets. Portlet: A mechanism for displaying Web content as part of a portal page.
Portal Pages & Portlets The portlets can content: WebSites - Bookmarks - Cognos Tools (Query Studio, Report Studio, Power Play Web, Cognos Query, Upfront , Visualizer) - Graphs - Reports - Maps - Folder Navigator - RSS NewsFeeds - Watchlist Metrics (CMM),..
Portlet to Portlet Communication One portlet can interact with another portlet. The action on one portlet is reflected in another portlet. Portlet Sources: Portlet Destiny - Cognos Navigator - Cognos Search Cognos Viewer Portlet - Bookmark Viewer Image Viewer RSS Viewer HTML Viewer Portlet
Portlet to Portlet Communication
Customizing Cognos Connection Default.css System.xml Portal_en.xml -color fonts -modify functionality -text in a language -graphics -hide elements in UI -use your own welcome page
Customizing Welcome Page Default.css Change the fonts, colors, graphics, layout System.xml Map your own Welcome page
Administrator vs. User Administrator can: Set the presentation features for all the users or for one specific user (Set Default Profile or one specific user’s Profile). Modify the content of “My Folders” for a specific user. Modify user Preferences at the user level (the Preference is per user not per groups) Set what styles are available for user / groups / roles. User can set: His/her own Preference: User can create his/her own page and defined it as a default page Change the style.
Workshop 1 Cognos Connection: Customizing the Cognos Connection See CRN Query Studio Workshop.doc
What is WSRP? WSRP is Web Service for Remote Portlets Defines how to plug remote web services into pages of online portals. WSRP is an open standard.
WSRP and Cognos Connection Cognos Portal Services portlets are based on WSRP 1.0 specifications. Some third-party applications that follows the WSRP are: SAP - Cognos Connection IBM WebSphere - Plumtree