Citizens and governance in a knowledge based society


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Presentation transcript:

Citizens and governance in a knowledge based society Citizens and governance in a knowledge based society Information on the open calls in Priority 7

Evaluation and selection Preparing an application Important hints Roadmap Introduction ERA, FP6, Priority 7 The current calls Instruments,Topics, Evaluation and selection Criteria, Procedures Preparing an application InfoPack, Participation, Deadlines Important hints ERA criteria, experiences so far

General Context European Research Area (ERA) Long-term strategic policy objective for EU and Member States 6th Framework Programme (FP6) Main EU instrument to support ERA “Integrating” Programme Focus on Thematic Priorities Priority 7 “Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society” Focal point for social sciences and humanities

Objectives of the Programme Support and develop Social Sciences and Humanities to produce high quality research in areas of policy relevance ... … while structuring Social Sciences and Humanities in such a way to fully exploit the opportunities of the emerging European Research Area

Political Context Lisbon Summit 2000 fixed ambitious objectives for EU Knowledge base for managing the transition process … … and identification of new challenges Comparative dimension Multidisciplinarity, integrative approach

Open calls Based on work programme 2004 -2006 Published in the OJ on 8 December 2004 Deadline (for all calls) on 13 April 2005

Three calls, five instruments, eight research areas Thematic Areas CALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CITIZENS-4 IP X NoE CITIZENS-5 STREP CA CITIZENS-6 SSA OUTSIDE CfT/EG

Call CITIZENS-4 Instruments: Budget: Coverage: Networks of Excellence Integrated Projects Budget: 60 Million € Coverage: Topics open in all research areas except areas 5 and 8 Proposals should address core objectives of topics and provide significant coverage of issues and challenges highlighted in the text On average two projects funded per topic

Networks of Excellence Structuring the European Research Area In-depth integration of research programmes and activities Long-term perspective Variety of joint activities, well beyond core research activities Duration: 3 to 5 years Financial support: 3 to 4 Million Euro

Integrated Projects Ambitious, targeted research endeavour Clearly specified objectives Aiming at results with strategic impact Critical mass Duration: 3 to 5 years Financial support: 3 to 4 Million Euro

Call CITIZENS-5 Instruments: Budget: Coverage: Specific Targeted Research Projects Coordination Actions Budget: 52 Million € Coverage: Topics open in all research areas Proposals should make clear and important contributions to the objectives of topics and to the issues and challenges highlighted in the text On average three to five projects funded per topic

Specific Targeted Research Projects Basic features similar to “traditional” RTD Projects in FP4 and FP5 Emphasis on developing excellence Innovative views and fresh views are encouraged Duration: 3 years Financial support: 0.7 to 1.2 Million Euro

Coordination Actions Basic features similar to “traditional” Thematic Networks in FP4 and FP5 Emphasis on cordination of activities Added value by providing a European dimension Duration: 3 years Financial support: 0.6 to 0.9 Million Euro

Call CITIZENS-6 Instruments: Budget: Coverage: Specific Support Actions Budget: 4 Million € Coverage: Topics open in research area 8 only Proposals should make clear and important contributions to the objectives of topics and to the issues and challenges highlighted in the text

Specific Support Actions Basic features similar to “traditional” Accompanying Measures in FP4 and FP5 Direct link to programme objectives Innovative and exploratory activities Duration: 3 years max. Implemented through calls for proposals, calls for tenders and expert groups

Research Area 1: Generation, Distribution, Use of Knowledge For NoE/IP 1.1.1. Knowledge based policies for the KBS: policy learning and the sources of knowledge 1.1.2. Growth, employment and competitiveness in a KBS For STREP/CA 1.2.1 Emerging dynamic growth regions and their role in a global economy 1.2.2. Understanding knowledge

Research Area 2: Options and choices for the development of a KBS For NoE/IP 2.1.1. The relations between the labour market, employment and welfare regimes 2.1.2 Educational strategies for inclusion and social cohesion and their relation to other policies For STREP/CA 2.2.1 Societal trends, quality of life and public policies 2.2.2. Inequalities in society and their consequences 2.2.3. The dynamics of youth in the context of intergenerational relations in European society

Research Area 3: The variety of paths towards a KBS For NoE/IP 3.1.1. Linguistic diversity in a European KBS For STREP/CA 3.2.1. Development models to meet combined societal and economic objectives

Research Area 4: The implications of European integration and enlargement for governance and the citizen For NoE/IP 4.1.1. Democracy in a supranational context For STREP/CA 4.2.1. New EU borders, new visions of neighbourhood 4.2.2. Governance for sustainable development

Research Area 5: Articulation of areas of responsibility and new forms of governance For NoE/IP For STREP/CA 5.2.1. Privatisation and public policy in different contexts 5.2.2. Regulatory processes and the use of impact assessment 5.2.3. Economic governance, articulation of competences and role of expertise

Research Area 6: Issues connected with the resolution of conflicts and restoration of peace and justice For NoE/IP 6.1.1. Approaches to conflict analysis: prevention and resolution of violent conflicts For STREP/CA 6.2.1. Transnational terrorism, security and rule of law 6.2.2. Human rights and conflicts 6.2.3 Crime and criminalisation

Research Area 7: New forms of citizenship and cultural identities For NoE/IP 7.1.1. Towards a European public sphere 7.1.2. Gender and citizenship in a multicultural context For STREP/CA 7.2.1. Values and religions in Europe

Research Area 8: Actions to promote the ERA in the social sciences and humanities and their contribution to the KBS in Europe For NoE/IP For STREP/CA 8.2.1. Understanding and measuring social sciences and humanities and their impact 8.2.2. Promotion and support for comparative research, methodologies and data generation

Research Area 8: Actions to promote the ERA in the social sciences and humanities and their contribution to the KBS in Europe For SSA 8.3.1. Increasing the visibility and impact of research infrastructures and activities for social sciences and humanities in Europe 8.3.2. New approaches for policy-research dialogues in the ERA: targeted dissemination of EU research in national and multi-national contexts 8.3.3. Promoting international research and policy cooperation in social sciences and humanities 8.3.4. New converging technologies and their wider implications for a European KBS

Evaluation Procedure External, independent evaluators Three to five evaluators per proposal Consensus Meetings Detailed consensus report All blocks of criteria with equal weighting Thresholds per block and overall (x out of 5) Only proposals passing thresholds are eligible for funding

Two-Stage-Evaluation for NoE/IP First Stage: Open to all applicants Proposals of maximum 25 pages Evaluated against key criteria: IP: Relevance, S&T Quality NoE: Relevance, Integration Second Stage: Open only for those passing the first stage Full proposals Evaluated against full range of criteria

Criteria for Networks of Excellence Relevance to the objectives of the work programme (3) Potential Impact (3) Excellence of participants (3) Degree of integration and the joint programme of activities (4) Organisation and management (3) Overall threshold: 4

Criteria for Integrated Projects Relevance to the objectives of the work programme (3) Potential Impact (3) S&T Excellence (4) Quality of the consortium (3) Quality of the management (3) Mobilisation of resources (3) Overall threshold: 4

Criteria for STREPs and CAs Relevance to the objectives of the (3) programme STREP: S&T Excellence/ CA: Quality of coordination (4) Potential Impact (3) Quality of the consortium (3) Quality of the management (3) Mobilisation of resources (3) Overall threshold: 3.5

Selection Number of “positively” evaluated proposals (normally) exceeds available budget Commission selects among the “positively” evaluated proposals according to balanced distribution between disciplines etc. coverage of research tasks structuring and integrating effects for the ERA Selection needs approval of Member States

Evaluators needed ... Evaluation is crucial ! Involvement of high quality evaluators from all over Europe required Stressful, but highly interesting task Open call for applications from individuals and for suggestions from institutions:

Guide for Proposers (per instrument) Evaluation Guide FP6 in Brief Information Package Call Text Work programme Guide for Proposers (per instrument) including (specific) Application Forms Evaluation Guide FP6 in Brief Financial details Download from

Who can Participate? Country Participation Money EU Yes Yes Candidate countries Yes Yes (BG, RO, Turkey) NO, FL, IS Yes Yes Israel Yes Yes Switzerland Yes Yes Other European countries Yes Yes,... “INCO” countries Yes Yes,... “Rest of the world” Yes Yes,but...

The Two Parts of a Proposal Part A: Forms Factual information, coordinates, budget Specific per instrument Part B: Scientific part Objectives, Impact, Implementation Plan, Consortium, Management, Resources, Workplan, Workpackages, Milestones, Deliverables,… Not anonymous

Pre-Proposal Check “Offer” to have an outline of your proposal checked by one of our colleagues Strictly informal and not binding Up to one month prior to deadline Only one check per proposal Preferably by e-mail to Please respect “roughly two pages” ...

Notification (ex Pre-Registration) Please help us to prepare the evaluation process … … by providing us with an early “warning” on what kind of proposals we can expect Notification possible via Notification does not commit you to submitting a proposal … ... and is not mandatory.

Submission and Deadline ... Electronic submission only (EPSS) Check details well in advance! Deadline for all forthcoming calls: 13.04.2005, 17:00 h Don’t take any risks - There are no exceptions to the rules!

Hints regarding the contribution to the ERA (1) Rigorous comparative research (IP,STREP) Meaningful cooperation within and between disciplines (NoE, IP) Common/Shared infrastructures (NoE, IP) Reviews of the state-of-the-art for broader dissemination (all) Scientific knowledge base for policy making (Evidence on topical issues) (NoE, IP)

Hints regarding the contribution to the ERA (2) Mapping of research competencies Links with national programmes or activities (NoE, IP) Involvement of users and stakeholders (all) Keep consortia open for new partners (NoE, IP) Specialised training programmes (NoE)

Advise to potential applicants (1) Right call, right instrument, right topic? Address the topic as comprehensively as possible Give a complete description of the scientific approach Sound description of methodologies ? Provide concise information on participants Clear ideas on who will do what ? What about the European Research Area?

Advise to potential applicants (2) Explain the budget and respect the budgetary guidance Keep length of applications within reasonable limits Impact, dissemination, users ? Fun to read your proposal ? Use the Pre-Proposal Check Ask advice from NCPs and Commission helpdesk

Info Information on ERA and FP6: Webpage for Priority 7 Helpdesk for Priority 7 Direct contact to colleagues