Social Enterprise – Wales – ‘There’s no business like Social Business’ Sarah Hughes , Kate Lindley
Pembrokeshire: Population 122,000; 3 towns >10,000; Over 100 small towns & villages; Coastal National Park; The Haven ~ deep-water port; Main industries agriculture & tourism ; Rich history and heritage.
The greatest resource of any area is An enterprising community can help to build a better future. Developing local resources can strengthen the local economy. The greatest resource of any area is its people, their skills, knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment.
Encouraging participation Aim: to get everyone involved and have an equal say – to strengthen community spirit A strong participatory process is fundamental to effective local democracy Open and transparent, builds trust and strengthens relationships
OPPORTUNITIES identified for developing Social Enterprise? Childcare Engineering Provision of housing Food processing Renewable energy Tourism Recycling Community shops Training Community pubs Sports clubs Training providers Provision of financial services
Community engagement in Newport Visioning workshops held 2003 and Action Plan agreed January 2005 Newport Community Forum formed Identified as Hub community 2010 Range of groups established and projects developed since 2005 including Walkers are Welcome, Skate Park, Street Market, heritage interpretation Action plan review in May 2013
One project’s journey: Need for better childcare provision identified in 2004 Project management group established in 2006 Potential location identified, alongside visits to other facilities and support from Social Enterprise officer 2007 Identified as key Hub project in 2010; plans and scheme agreed 2011 Child care facility developed at Newport changing rooms (£120,000) and opened 2012
2014 - 2020 EU funding for Wales £2 billion structural funds RDP over £4 billion = £ 95 million allocated to LEADER £4.4 million to Pembrokeshire over next 6 years LAG formed in August 2014 = LDS submitted September 2014 Expected to hear end of November for 1st January 2015 start
2014 - 2020 Wales structural funds focus on: Research and innovation Helping businesses to start up and grow Support renewable energy and energy efficiency Strategic infrastructure Tackling powerty through sustainable development Increasing skills and youth employment
2014 – we need to address: In-work poverty – large number of households have individuals working in lower paid jobs Low productivity, leading to poor economic competiveness Increasing older population Out-migration of young people Decline in rural services Decline in rural businesses (including farming) and town centre degradation
2014 - 2020 RDP Opportunities Maximising social, environmental and economic benefit from a wealth of local assets – historic, natural and cultural Continuing to support local businesses, including those to be developed, transferring knowledge and encouraging enterprise and innovation, exploring new markets and developing resilience
Exploring community-led solutions to provide non-statutory local services (not limited to those traditionally supplied by the public sector), grow confidence in community financing e.g. shares Community benefit from renewable energy generation and efficiency Exploitation of digital technology to ensure maximum benefit derived – increasing skills, supporting co-working, identifying methods to address rural isolation
The Old School, Station Road Narberth Pembrokeshire SA67 7DU Tel: 01834 860965 Email: