University System of Maryland PROPOSED FORMAT for INSTITUTIONAL CULTURAL DIVERSITY PLANS University of Maryland Eastern Shore Vice Presidents, Deans, Chairs, and Directors Workshop 5 August 2009 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans Definition: “ ‘Cultural Diversity’ means the inclusion of those racial and ethnic groups and individuals that are or have been underrepresented in higher education.” Senate Bill 438 NOTE: Attorney General Gansler’s letter of 15 May,2008 to Governor O’Malley that states: “…a plan that will include race-conscious elements should not be implemented in a manner that will limit the elements of “cultural diversity” solely to racial and ethnic considerations….” 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans Due Date: February, 2010 Institutional Background and Current Campus Climate: In this section each institution would briefly summarize its current campus climate with respect to cultural diversity among its students, faculty, and staff. 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans History of addressing cultural diversity (briefly stated): How an institution has evolved in its efforts to address cultural diversity. 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans B. Campus Demographics: Data inform the programmatic content and scope of the institutional plan for a program of cultural diversity. Data should provide a snapshot of the diversity of students, faculty, and staff in the broadest sense of cultural diversity whenever possible. Adequate reporting of data requires going beyond simply listing race, gender, and ethnicity. For purposes of this report on an institutional plan for a program of cultural diversity, each institution should compare the data for academic year 2007-2008 with 2008-2009. To ensure consistency of data, the USM will provide the institutional data similar to the way it was provided for the closing the achievement gap initiative. 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans C. Cultural Diversity and Institutional mission, goals, strategic plan, and accreditation: Make clear how the institutional plan for a program of cultural diversity encompasses institutional mission, goals, vision, strategic plan, and accreditation standards as may be appropriate. 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans D. Institutional definition of cultural diversity: Give your institutional definition of cultural diversity consistent with the guidance provided in Strengthening Diversity in Maryland Colleges and Universities: A Legal Roadmap provided by the Office of the Attorney General. 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans E. Goals and Objectives: Make clear whether the institution is developing and implementing a plan for a program of cultural diversity or improving its plan. Make clear the goals and objectives of the institutional plan for a program of cultural diversity. 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans REQUIRED elements and order of institutional plan for a program of cultural diversity: It is recommended that the bulleted items below be used as the headings of the respective sections of each institutional plan for a program of cultural diversity. 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans REQUIRED elements and order (Continued) Institutional plans must include: an implementation strategy, a timeline for meeting goals, a description of the way the institution addresses cultural diversity among students, faculty, and staff, a description of how the institution plans to enhance cultural diversity, if improvement is needed, 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland
Institutional Cultural Diversity Plans REQUIRED elements and order (Continued) a process for responding to reporting campus-based hate crimes and bias-motivated incidents that may occur on campus, a summary of needed resources, including State grants, to effectively recruit and retain a culturally diverse student body, faculty, and staff, and the enhancement of cultural diversity programming and sensitivity to cultural diversity through instruction and training of the student body, faculty, and staff of the institution. 8/5/09 John T. Wolfe, Jr., Ph.D. University System of Maryland