Sympathy Stoic term used by the Neo-Platonic philosopher Plotinus Cf. Frazer in The Golden Baugh
Victor Turner Rituals, Symbols, Ritual Themes Victor Turner and Symbolic Analysis (1974, 1982)
Victor Turner Symbolic Analysis (1974, 1982) Magic is strictly linked to ritual
RITUAL = stereotyped sequence of activities involving Gestures Words Objects designed to influence supernatural entities or forces on behalf of the actor’s goals and interests
SYMBOL = the smallest meaningful unit of a specific structure of a ritual context.
Characteristics of a ritual… Multiple meanings symbols interconnected through analogy or association Condensation one symbol can be the vehicle for many ideas Polarization tangible symbols represent abstract components of the moral or social order.
Euphorbia trigona The African Milk Tree
Ndembu people of Zambia
Example: The milk tree The focal symbol of the girls’ puberty ritual of the Ndembu people of Zambia. On sensory level: Symbol of mother’s milk On an abstract level: Symbol of womanhood and motherhood The tree becomes the center of ritual episodes expressing values and virtues promoted by this matrilineal community.
Civic religion involves a community Magical ritual involves individuals Communication with divine or semi-divine beings constructed along the vertical axis.