SPARC’s innovation DIARIES Once this file is saved on your computer, open it and leave for about a minute. Then start slide show, click on this first slide and then it should be automated from here on. SPARC’s innovation DIARIES
a review of SPARC’s innovation DIARIES
3 steps what? how? why?
what? that word innovation
innovation as distinct from invention what? innovation as distinct from invention
what? invention – the first time something is created, discovered or developed
what? innovation – the first time ‘something’ is used by a new group of people, or in a new place
innovation – too early to tell so the focus for us is on the DIARY what? innovation – too early to tell so the focus for us is on the DIARY
what? (innovation) DIARY
links to documents already prepared how? date how was it done, key events, decisions, ‘turning points’, insights – the back story links to documents already prepared
why? to add value to the work SPARC is doing – ‘replication’ in other states