2017-2018 Gifted & Talented (G/T) Parent Meeting Please sign in by signing one of the papers on the tables. Friday, October 20, 2017 9:30-10:00 (1st, 2nd & 3rd) 10:15-10:45 (4th & 5th)
INTRODUCTIONS Jessica Cannon, Extended Learning Teacher (ELT) Jessica.cannon@humbleisd.net Tiffany Caseltine, Principal (new) Wendy Anaya, Assistant Principal Ms. Diane Sconzo, District GT Coordinator
STATE GOAL FOR G/T STUDENTS Students who participate in services designed for gifted students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performance that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. Independent Investigation Method (IIM)
G/T PROGRAM DELIVERY Students are clustered into classes with a teacher, who has met the state G/T training requirements (30 hour course, annual 6 hour update). Classroom teachers provide differentiated instruction in the core subjects daily. ELT (Mrs. Cannon) works with students weekly for research instruction, independent project, group activities, etc. Students participate in G/T District Expo, which highlights their completed independent project. Middle and High School G/T students receive their services through the delivery of differentiated instruction via Advanced Academics (preAP/AP/Dual Credit/preIB/ IB).
COMMUNICATION Email updates- on average weekly Monthly G/T Newsletter (MBExtend) Bear Facts (school newsletter) Follow Mrs. Cannon on Twitter: @jcannon02 Please consider donating to my Donors Choose- The Gift of Research Will Challenge Young Minds – Funds have to be collected by December 1st My webpage: http://humbleisd.net/Page/6503 Maplebrook’s homepage: http://humbleisd.net/Page/6287 Humble ISD’s Advance Academics webpage: http://humbleisd.net/Page/47462
G/T INDEPENDENT PROJECT Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) TPSP Information for Parents Brochure http://www.texaspsp.org/ Purpose: TPSP is to capture the high levels of academic performance of gifted/talented students through independent research. Program Summary: TPSP is designed to help districts reach the state goal for G/T students. TPSP offers appropriate rigor and relevance for all students through its instruction in research skills and opportunities for students to explore in depth their interests. Curriculum: TPSP offers two or more interdisciplinary units called tasks (a.k.a. their projects). Aligned with TEKS, each task has guided instruction and opportunities for independent research in multiple content areas.
2017-2018 G/T INDEPENDENT PROJECTS GRADE PROJECT 1ST Animal Nation (science unit) *Students will select and research their own animal. 2ND Who’s Who: A Study of Biography (language arts unit) *Students will study famous people and how they used their gifts and talents to overcome challenges and become successful. 3RD Utopian Destination (social studies unit) *Students will study the formation and history of cities and act as urban planners for a city of their imagination. 4TH Enigmas (science unit) *Students will study a naturally occurring enigma, an unsolved mystery, using scientific research methods. 5TH Story Quilt (language arts unit) *Students will gain an understanding of the relationship between history, quilting, and storytelling. Pursuit of Passion Students will explore the relationship between their personal interests and future opportunities.
G/T INDEPENDENT PROJECT / EXPO G/T project assignments have been provided/communicated to students, parents, and content area teachers. Students will be responsible to complete their G/T independent project with the guidance of the ELT (Mrs. Cannon), classroom teacher, and parent. Students will use technology to complete some of their assignments, and possibly their final presentation. Binders will stay at school for organizing their work and Expo presentations. Travel folders will be used for things that needed to be completed at home or in the classroom and should be returned during the next meeting time. Final product will be completed at school with the exception that some final touches may be done at home if necessary. G/T students will participate in a G/T Expo in the Spring. More details to come.
ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity K 1 2 3 4 5 Contact Runners Club X D. Tinelli Science Fair C. Blayney Ecobots J. Cannon/ A. Christiansen Maplebrook Malleteers K. Shelnutt Spelling Bee J.Cannon/W. Anaya Green Team Math Olympiads J.Hurley/K. Norris Safety Patrol Art Club T. Cutbirth Broadway Bears Student Council K.Nazarko/L. Ogletree Science Olympiads C. Blayney / K.Nazarko Library Crew J. Melancon MBC News J. Weldon Book Clubs
Gifted vs. Bright Students Bright Child Gifted Learner Knows the answers Asks the questions Is interested Is highly curious Is attentive Is mentally and physically involved Has good ideas Has wild, silly ideas Works hard Plays around, yet tests well Answers the questions Discusses in detail, elaborates Top group Beyond the group Listens with interest Shows strong feelings and opinions Learns with ease Already knows 6-8 repetitions for mastery 1-2 repetitions for mastery Understands ideas Constructs abstractions
Our GT Students
QUESTIONS? Thank you for attending and for sharing your child with me! It’s going to be a fantastic year! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rwsuXHA7RA