Do you have The Outsiders? Finish working on your reflection. Welcome back!
Quick Check Identifying independent and dependent clauses. Read through the passage. Identify each underlined phrases as an independent (IC) or dependent (DC) clause. Circle an example of a compound sentence.
Try the SWBS strategy- Somebody-Wanted-But-So (Then) Summarizing A summary is a brief restating of the main ideas, steps, or events in a piece of writing. When you summarize use your own words and focus only on the most important characters, events, and details. 5Ws- WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, and HOW Try the SWBS strategy- Somebody-Wanted-But-So (Then) Cinderella wanted to go the ball, but her evil stepmother wouldn’t allow her to go, so her fairy godmother showed up with a dress, shoes, and carriage to take her to the castle. Then, she danced with the prince, they fell in love, and lived happily ever after.
The Outsiders- Chapter 5 As we read, I will prompt you to stop and write a short summary in your notebooks. Remember: A summary is a brief restating of the main ideas, steps, or events in a piece of writing. When you summarize use your own words and focus only on the most important characters, events, and details.