Mead Anatomy Lap 1 Chapter 4 Tissues Examples of Epithelial Tissues Locations and Functions
E. Examples of Covering/lining Epithelial tissues (table 4.1) Simple squamous epithelium Found in kidneys and lungs where filtration and diffusion is important Not found in areas of wear In lining of heart & blood vessels called endothelium Simple cuboidal epithelium Found in thyroid and kidneys for secretion and absorption
Simple columnar epithelium May contain microvilli to increase surface area for absorption Some have goblet cells to release mucus to lubricate linings, trap dust or protect stomach Some have cilia to move out dust (in throat) or eggs (in uterine tubes)
Pseudostratified columnar Stratified squamous Found in upper respiratory tract Stratified squamous Cells at apical layer are squamous, others may be different shapes Found in skin, lining of mouth, esophagus
Stratified cuboidal Stratified columnar Found in adult sweat gland, male uretha Stratified columnar Cells at apical layer are columnar Less common