Minnesotas Plan for Monitoring School Improvement Grant Implementation April 21, 2010 Patricia King Jonathan Luknic 1
Monitoring LEA Implementation of the SIG Presentation Components: Summary of the Minnesota SIG Establishing the Office of Turnaround Schools (OTAS) Monitoring Implementation of LEA Grants Determining whether to Renew an LEA Grant 2
Summary of the Minnesota SIG 34 eligible identified schools Only Tier I and II schools are eligible Approximately $32 million available Unique requirements include: - Undergoing a diagnostic by a state-approved vendor - Hiring a Site Administrative Manager (SAM) - Having a Turnaround Office/Officer at the LEA - Reserving at least 90 minutes/week for PLCs - Requiring principals attend the MN Principals Academy 3
Monitoring LEA Implementation of the SIG Presentation Components: Summary of the Minnesota SIG Establishing the Office of Turnaround Schools (OTAS) Monitoring Implementation of LEA Grants Determining whether to Renew an LEA Grant 4
Establishing the OTAS Will be funded primarily through the 5 percent state reservation for the SIG Will work with the Turnaround Office/Officer required at grantee LEAs Will be responsible for monitoring and providing technical assistance for the SIG 5
Establishing the OTAS Will report to the Commissioner of Education (chief officer) Will be informed by an advisory board to be composed of representatives from: - Unions- Higher Education - Foundations - Diverse Communities - Business- Education Organizations 6
Establishing the OTAS SEA OTAS Coordinate initial diagnostics to inform the choice of model Collect data to monitor the implementation of the SIG Provide input on the LEA staffing process Provide support and recommendations for teacher professional development LEA Turnaround Office(r) Develop selected intervention model Act as liaison with the OTAS Provide monitoring data to the OTAS Monitor SIG implementation at the LEA level Provide implementation support 7
Monitoring LEA Implementation of the SIG Presentation Components: Summary of the Minnesota SIG Establishing the Office of Turnaround Schools (OTAS) Monitoring Implementation of LEA Grants Determining whether to Renew an LEA Grant 8
Monitoring Implementation of LEA Grants In addition to the leading indicators and progress toward goals, data will be gathered on: Fidelity of implementation Staffing decisions Increased operational flexibility 9
Monitoring Implementation of LEA Grants Minnesota will leverage its work with the State Implementation and Scaling up of Evidence-Based Practices (SISEP) Center to build LEA capacity to implement with fidelity: LEAs will be required measure and report data related to fidelity of implementation LEAs will be provided with technical assistance to create a system for collecting this data 10
Monitoring Implementation of LEA Grants The OTAS quarterly data collection may: Facilitate the sharing of best practices and lessons learned among grantees –Regional grantee networking meetings –Targeted technical assistance from the OTAS Identify the need for more frequent desk reviews and on-site monitoring visits –Grantees will receive additional monitoring if there are issues with the data collection 11
Monitoring LEA Implementation of the SIG Presentation Components: Summary of the Minnesota SIG Establishing the Office of Turnaround Schools (OTAS) Monitoring Implementation of LEA Grants Determining whether to Renew an LEA Grant 12
Determining whether to Renew a Grant If a grantee school is not meeting its annual goals or making progress on the leading indicators, it will be asked to submit: Grant Implementation Narrative Action Steps 13
Grant Implementation Narrative The Grant Implementation Narrative is intended to elicit information about: The extent of implementation with fidelity of the intervention model Barriers to full implementation An analysis of the outcomes of grant activities 14
Grant Implementation Narrative 15
Grant Implementation Narrative Cont. 16
Action Steps The LEA must also describe action steps to improve the implementation and outcomes of the intervention model: Revisiting the results of the initial diagnostic and/or completing a follow-up diagnostic Replacing the principal and/or staff responsible for ineffective implementation Making significant revisions to the grant budget Creating additional student instructional time 17
Contacts and Information Contacts: Patricia (Pat) King Director, Division of School Improvement (651) – Jonathan Luknic School Improvement Specialist (651) – To view Minnesotas School Improvement Grant Webpage: Click HereClick Here, or go to and click on School Improvement and then School Improvement Grant 18