Internet Exploration: HTML Basics Computer Information Technology – Section 3-4
HTML – The Language of the Internet Objectives: The Student will: Look at HTML Understand the basic HTML tags Create a brief web page
HTML HTML (hypertext markup language) is the language that is used to create pages for the web. You can view the source for a web page by clicking View -> Source
HTML Tags HTML tags guide how the web page looks. There are beginning and ending tags
HTML Tags Tag Description <html>…</html> Begin and End an HTML document <head>…</head> The header section of the document, which contains information about the page. This is not displayed to the user. Contains meta tags. <title>…</title> Define a document title. This element is required in every HTML document. <body>…</body> Defines the body section of the document, which contains the content to be displayed on the page. <center>…</center> Marks text to be centered <p>…</p> Creates a paragraph, perhaps the most common block level element. <h1>…</h1> <h2>…</h2> Section headings at different levels. <ol>…</ol> and <ul>…</ul> Creates a list OL is numbered list and UL is a bullet list <li>…</li> Creates a list item in ordered and unordered lists. <a href="URL"></a> Creates a link to another site
Creating a Web Page Open Notepad++ and enter this text:
Creating a Web Page Add this text:
Creating a Web Page Save the file in your My Documents directory as myfirsthtml.html Open IE Explorer Click on File -> Open Click on Browse Find your file and click Open Answer OK to the question and you should see your webpage.
Summary HTML is the language of the web HTML tags control how pages are displayed. Each HTML tag has a beginning and an ending tag
Rest of Today Complete your web page and show me the results on the screen. Complete the day with Mavis Beacon…