CMS-ECAL Front-End monitoring Matteo Marone On behalf of CMS-ECAL group
Outline ECAL Detector Control Unit (DCU) Online Readout Chain Integration with Conditions DB and Detector Control System Thermal Stability Analysis 2/22
CMS/ECAL at LHC 36 Supermodules, 1700 Crystal each Barrel crystals Pb/Si Preshower Barrel Supermodule 36 Supermodules, 1700 Crystal each 4 Endcap Dees, 3662 Crystals each 8 meters long 90 Tons of Crystal More than 75000 channels Barrel crystals Endcap Barrel Supermodule 3/22
ECAL Requirements ECAL response sensitive to variations of: DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability ECAL response sensitive to variations of: Crystal transparency (irradiation) Temperature: ∂(LY)/∂T ~ -2%/oK 1/M(∂M/∂T) ~ -2%/oK High voltage: 1/M(∂M/∂V) ~ 3%/V affect the resolution constant term Temperature stability @ 0.1oC level HV stability at the 10 mV level M= Photodetector gain LY= Light Yeld 4/22
Detector Control Unit (DCU) ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability special ASIC used to monitor Front End electronics parameters: Currents Temperatures Voltages Quantities measured with 12 bit ADC Sensitivity: Temperature 0.012 °C Currents 340 nA Voltages ~ mV 5/22
On Detector electronics LVR MB VFE FE ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability 1 DCU every VFE card Basic Read-out Geometry: 5X5 crystals (TT) 8 DCUs per TT ~ 20000 Leakage current Crystal temperature Voltage Supplies Temperature && Voltages Trigger Light ® Current APD Crystal Energy Voltage Bit MGPA ADC VFE FE DAQ Optical Fiber DCU DCU DCU MB 6/22
DCU Software Architecture XDAQ ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability DCU Supervisor DATA CondDB DCU Reader Calibrations DCS – Detector Control System Soap PC Storage Data Files Converter Write CondDB 8/22
PVSS DCU Project DEAMON ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability DEAMON DCU final readout sequence foresees to send DCU data: Changing values ~ 5 min Whole ECAL ~ 20 min 9/22
Conditions Database The entire amount of data has been stored into the DB (so far) Data easily browsable through WEB 10/22
Precision Temperature Monitoring (PTM) ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability • PTM data Measurements: 10 PTMs/SM (water IN, water OUT, 4 on grid, 4 on thermal screen) Full autonomy of the system in every aspect and functionality Independent and reliable temperature monitoring of ECAL FE electronics 11/22
Thermal Stability DCU measurements have been used for : ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability DCU measurements have been used for : - validating the detector thermal stability during operational periods - investigating sources of problems/dead channels 50 DCU RUNS DURING CRAFT CALIBRATE DCU RAW DATA (ADC PEDESTAL) INDEPENDENT TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT 12/22
Calibrations from Cosmic Stand ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability Calibration with PTM in the Cosmic Stand EB-1 after before 13/22
Analysis Strategy 50 DCU runs taken ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability 50 DCU runs taken Calibration constants have been applied Temperature homogeneity and stability have been checked using DCU and PTM data PTMs also measure the cooling stability Some constants did not correct properly Replaced VFE EB-16 Isolated Channel New Constants Using P5 data New calibrations only when needed 14/22
Results(1):Barrel Temperatures ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability These data refer to a 4 weeks periods of global run 41 Missing measurements (32 recoverable) – Black Spots 33 Thermistors out of range (under investigation): White spots 15/22
Results(3):Temperature ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability ECAL=(18.12±0.04) oC PTM=(18.10±0.02) oC Good temperature homogeneity: RMS ~ 0.04 oC Blue area corresponds to sensors close to the highest density of LV cables PTM system: average temperature is 18.1 ± 0.02 °C, in very good agreement with the one measured by the DCU system. 16/22
Results(2):Temperature Vs time ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability DCU measurements (in black) compared with an independent temperature measurement provided by a set of devices (PTM) M4 M1 Water IN PTM and DCU well correlated 17/22
Barrel Stability ECAL DCU Online Chain CondDB & PVSS Thermal Stability Distribution of temperatures RMSs for each of the ECAL Barrel thermistors during CRaFT (logaritmic scale). Peak average RMS is 0.009 ± 0.003 °C. 98% of channels have RMS<0.1 °C. Values in the right-end side tail are channels affected by some read-out problems. 18/22
Endcap Temperatures Few missing thermistors (no read-out, mostly recoverable) No DCU chip calibrations -> Big temperature spread One thermistor every SuperCrystal (SC) Border are partial SC (3X5,2X5,1X5) recomposed into SC (not yet read) 19/22
Endcap: PTM Vs Time 20/22
Endcap Stability DCU (Not RMS Calibrated) spread PTM Both DCU and PTM measurements signal less stability in EE EE during CRaFT was still under commissioning 21/22
monitoring of the calorimeter during Conclusions DCU read-out commissioned both for ECAL Barrel and Endcaps DCU integration in the framework has been successfully done Data communication with CondDB and PVSS achieved Validation of detector thermal stability and bad channels investigation have been carrying out DCU will help to ensure monitoring of the calorimeter during the LHC run 22/22
What is monitored in detail APD: currents (1 DCU for xtal = 1700/SM) t3mperatures (1 DCU every 10 xtals = 170 values/SM): VFE & LVR: DCU internal temperatures (8x68 values /SM) MEM box: VDD_1, VDD_2, 2.5 V, Vinj (4X2 values / SM) DCU internal temperatures (1x2 values /SM) LVR: 3 thermistors 2.5 V (12x68 values / SM) 4.3 V (2X68 values / SM) 0.1 V – inhibit (1X68 values /SM)
XDAQ CMS online software framework in which all the online applications are implemented (C++): Used for configuration, messaging, event handling Extensive use of XML Scalable: from small test stand to the CMS DAQ XDAQ user application is a collection of call-back functions, typically attached with FSM transitions SOAP messages drive application's call-back 7/17
DCU to DCS (Detector Control System) DCUSupervisor performs the read-out, builds the PVSS datapoints and sends them to DCS using the PSX interface DCS provides: early detection of abnormal conditions (issuing appropriate warnings and alarms) hard-wired interlocks All ECAL DCS applications have been developed using the commercial ETM SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) software PVSS 3.6 and standard Joint Control Project (JCOP) framework components PSX Server DCU Online software SOAP WRITE DPs DCU PVSS Project Linux Windows 9/17
ECAL Run Control Web Interface DCU runs are currently taken using the ECAL Run Control whenever needed/possible A tree of finite state machines controls the data taking operation of the experiment (Function Manager) It has been used successfully during the global run 12/17