National Agenda for CSO Capacity Development Yin Soriya, Ph.D
Vision Civil society organizations in Cambodia become more capable, accountable and professional toward effective development.
Logic Model for CSO Capacity Development Assumption:External Factor/Risks: Improved CSO organizational capacity will lead to more effective development. - NGOs activities maybe restricted. - Fund for organizational capacity development dries up (competition for fund) - Private sector, government and larger organization offer greater opportunities.
Agenda #1: Creating Enabling Environment Issue Activities Target Responsible Party Indicative Budget CSOs have little and limited influence on policy change and lack of trust between government and CSOs 1.Dialogue with government, development partners and CSO 2. Organize public and CSO forum, using existing dialogue mechanism such public and private sector forum, donor forum etc. 3. Conduct research on government and NGO relationship CCC, NGO Forum, donors, INGO and network leaders 40,000 Lack of CD service quality: CD service providers do not work together 4. Build and strengthen OD service provider network/pool 5. Develop minimum standard for OD service providers 6. Certified OD service providers 3 (150 OD providers, CSOs) 1 5 – 10 OD providers NCDL and CCC and OD service providers 70,000 Hard to get fund for organizational capacity development, high fee for organizational capacity development service 7.Organize CSO-donor meeting to present the agenda 8. Establish collective fund for NGO capacity development 1 (50 participants) 1 CCC, NGO forum, private sector 20,000 Public are not aware CSOs role in society and some NGOs do not know their roles 9. Conduct survey on public perception toward CSOs 10. Targeted education/awareness raising through mass media, daily operation and grass roots activities 1 Frequently Individual NGOs, CCC, NGO forum 30,000 Total160,000
Agenda #2: Building Organizational Capacity IssuesActivitiesTargetsResponsible Party Indicative Budget Board not active, poor communication between board and ED 1.Organize board and ED seminar 3 (150 board members and ED members) Network leaders/CD service providers 30,000 Not able to adapt to external environment and not able to collaborate and build active network with diverse stakeholders 2.Conduct research on CSO network building 3.Support existing community of practice 4.Organize NGO, public, media and private sector partnership forums 1 10 communities of practice with 120 participants) 3 Consultant, CCC, NGO forum, member organization takes turn to host the event 40,000 Poor documentation and lack of information about organizations activities to the public 5.Develop project documentation system/guideline 6.Organize Rights to Information seminar 1 3 (120 NGOs) NGO-GPP team/consultant 30,000 Not able to monitor and evaluate outcomes or impact of activities 7.Develop and promote best M&E tools and framework 8.Support CCCs M&E forum 1 3 (120 NGOs) M&E, consultant, donors 40,000 CSOs rarely conduct organizational capacity assessment – lack of expertise, resources and tools 9.Develop organizational capacity assessment manual 10.Organize OD seminar 11.Provide organizational capacity assessment and technical assistance to selected NGOs 1 set 3 (150 NGOs) 30 Local NGOs from province CD service providers/consult ants, NGO-GPP team 450, ,000
Agenda #3: Building Capacity of NGO Staff IssuesMethodsTargetResponsible Party Indicative Budget -Lack of knowledge in development concept/aid effectiveness -Lack of appropriate attitude toward non- profit/CSO profession -Lack of critical, strategic or sustainability thinking -Poor and undemocratic leadership Training Mentoring Coaching Community of practices Seminar Forums Through scholarship scheme 750 individual NGO staff Training Institution OD service providers 150,000
Immediate Actions NoActivities 1Present the National Agenda to stakeholders 2Organize organizational capacity development seminar 3Commission research on NGO network building, public perception toward NGOs, relationship between improved organizational capacity and effective development