Haven Bend, LLC. Car Leasing Model
New car dealership Used Car Lot Haven Bend, LLC. on their Used Car Lot Haven Bend, LLC. Places Promotional Material in Lobby
New car dealership Salesman shows buyer cars on lot Buyer sees acceptable cars
Buyer fills out 1-Page Haven Bend, LLC. lease application
Salesman emails application to Haven Bend, LLC
Haven Bend, LLC. undergoes a Verification Process
Verification Process Includes: Interview with the Buyer Explanation of the terms of the lease Verification of home address Verification of valid driver’s license (must match home address) Amount of down-payment required Down-payment must be paid in advance (refundable) Gather additional information NO CREDIT CHECK EMPLOYMENT NOT NECESSARY
Approval: No Credit Ck Lease, Inc. APPROVAL/DENIAL Approval: No Credit Ck Lease, Inc. Enters customer information from application and interview into Access system database
Buys car from dealership Approval Haven Bend, LLC. Buys car from dealership
Haven Bend, LLC. Pays Dealership Sales Price less: $2,000
Customer Pays: Down Payment (in advance) (Kelly Blue Book (retail) + extended warranty) * 20% Plus overage of Kelly Blue Book (if any)
Both Haven Bend, LLC. and the new car companies Solicit customers Haven Bend, LLC. requires an affiliate relationship with any dealership it recommends in order to have a smooth transaction