Mrs. Hansen, Mr. Meyer and Mr. Eimer Deerfield Elementary School Welcome to 4th Grade! Mrs. Hansen, Mr. Meyer and Mr. Eimer Deerfield Elementary School
Specials Schedule Art 60 minutes 1X per week - Mrs. Henke Music 30 minutes 2X per week – Mrs. Meyer Phy Ed 30 minutes 3x per week – Mr. Wepking Computers 30 minutes 2x per week – Mrs. Garvey Spanish 30 minutes 2x per week - Mrs. Fitzpatrick IMC/Library 30 minutes 1x per week - Mrs. Garvey Guidance 30 minutes every other week - Mrs. Hruby
Curriculum Math Math Expressions Rocket Math Literacy Block Reading & Grammar - Lead21 Writing- 6 Traits Daily Spelling - Sitton Science Scholastic SuperScience magazine Social Studies Wisconsin Journey textbook Cursive Handwriting Without Tears
Homework Expectations Homework Packets will go home each Friday and be due the following Friday. The packet will include math, spelling, reading skill practice, and 100 minutes of independent reading. Other Homework may include Spanish, Computers, and Music. This would be noted in the daily planner. Homework Club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Computer Lab/IMC. To ensure that your child is making adequate progress in 4th grade, it is essential that they meet these Homework Expectations. Teachers will monitor your child’s progress. You can help by encouraging your child to put forth his/her best effort.
Homework Make-up Policy In the event of a long term absence or family vacation, homework will be provided upon your student’s return. Homework WILL NOT be provided in advance.
School begins at 7:50. Arrival after 8:00 will be marked tardy. Attendance Policies Absences School begins at 7:50. Arrival after 8:00 will be marked tardy. Please call school the morning of absence (by 9:00am) with name of student, teacher, and reason. Follow up the next day with a written note stating the reason for the absence.(Board policy) Failure to send a note results in an unexcused absence. Truancy Students cannot miss more than 10 days of school per year. (5 days per semester) Students arriving after 9:00am are marked as half day absences. Absences verified with a doctor’s note are NOT included in the 10 days. The school is responsible to report student truancy when 10 absences have been exceeded.
Academic Progress and Assessments Weekly Spelling Tests Lead21 Group Placement Reading Assessment- beginning of the year LEAD21 Themed Tests Benchmark Writing Assessments - quarterly Unit Math Assessments Rocket Math STAR Assessments Forward Exam Standardized Test Summative Assessments Standardized Assessments
Home/School Connections Student Planner Used for daily communication between home and school-should be signed by parent or guardian Daily Take-home Folder Tuesday News Day Red folder containing important school communication will come home with your youngest/only child each week Parent/Teacher Conferences October and March **Please sign up before you leave!
Snack and Milk Break 4th grade students have a morning break each day and may drink purchased milk if they choose. Please send a HEALTHY snack with your child each day. The teachers do not provide snacks in their rooms.
Field Trips 4th grade takes three all day field trips Discovery World Museum- Milwaukee Thursday, Dec. 21 Madison-- Wednesday, April 25 Wisconsin State Capitol - Wisconsin Historical Society - Veterans Museum Buckskinners Rendezvous - Ft. Atkinson Friday, May 25 (note...this is the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend) While field trips are fun and a day everyone looks forward to, it takes a village to make them happen! If you volunteer to chaperone, you are an extension of the teaching staff and there are responsibilities involved. We are counting on you to help us make the field trip successful, and last minute cancellations cause a real hardship for everyone involved.
Visitors To Our School ALL visitors MUST “check in” at the office and obtain a visitor's pass before coming into the school. This is a mandatory school policy set in place for the safety of your children, so please do not be offended if a staff member stops you in the hall if you are not wearing a visitor’s badge.
Contact Information Please call the office in an emergency during the school day There is no guarantee that we will have the opportunity to listen to voicemail or check email during the school day. If you need to get an important message to your child during the school day, you MUST call the front office to ensure the message is received. Mr. Josh Eimer Email: Phone: 608.764.5442 X5225 Mr. Rory Meyer Phone: 608.764.5442 X5223 Mrs. Kim Hansen Email: Phone: 608.764.5442 X5222 We will do our best to respond to your email/call within 24 hours.
Thank you so much for coming…it is going to be a GREAT year! Questions?