UNIT IV – Legislative and Executive Branches Executive Powers UNIT IV – Legislative and Executive Branches
ROLES OF THE PRESIDENT CHIEF DIPLOMAT HEAD OF STATE Directs foreign policy for the nation Examples Travel to another country to meet with leaders Entertain foreign leaders in the White House Acts as the symbol for our nation; carries out ceremonial duties Examples Lighting the national Christmas tree Awarding medals
ROLES OF THE PRESIDENT ECONOMIC LEADER PARTY LEADER Tries to help economy prosper Examples Meet with advisors to discuss lowering unemployment Help to create budget Acts as the leader of his political party Examples Speaks at a rally for a fellow party member Helps other party members raise money for campaigns
ROLES OF THE PRESIDENT LEGISLATIVE LEADER COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF Works with Congress to get new legislation passed Examples Makes a speech to gain support for a bill Signs a bill into law Is head of the military Examples Sends troops into battle Decides to bomb an enemy
ROLES OF THE PRESIDENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE Acts as the CEO or boss of the country to enforce laws and appoint individuals to positions Examples Grants a pardon (forgives) a person convicted of a crime Holds a cabinet meeting Creates an executive order
Limits on Power Cannot violate the U.S. Constitution Cannot declare war Appointments must be approved by the Senate Cannot sign treaties w/o Senate approval Congress can override a veto
POWERS OF THE GOVERNOR Chief Executive of NC Appoints officials, heads Council of State, grants pardons Commander-in-Chief of state militia (NC National Guard) Can send in troops when a crisis or disaster occurs Legislative Leader Sign bills into laws, encourages legislation Economic Leader Prepares state budget Head of State Symbol/figure head for NC, gives medals, ceremonies
LIMITS ON THE GOVERNOR Cannot violate U.S. or NC Constitutions Must give up control of state militia if U.S. calls on them Appointments must be approved General Assembly can override a veto
LOCAL EXECUTIVES (Concord specific) MAYOR CITY MANAGER Weak mayor Performs ceremonial duties Symbol for the city Runs city council meetings CEO/boss of the city Implements policies created by city council Coordinates city departments Proposes city budget