How do you decide what to teach your students? How do you assess them? Some of the notes are from Roger Deslandes, Principal, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre.
Competencies& Objectives Training Goals & Needs Competencies& Objectives Some of the notes are from Roger Deslandes, Principal, Australian Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre.
The Goals of the organisation or program are primary Stakeholders Clients Government Public Services policy Experts Annual reports 5-year plans Reviews Risk analysis Mission statement RD: In the Bureau the goals are achieved through delivering outputs through a program structure - so just listing services policy is a little narrow. For the Bureau we now have the Observation (containing Eng also) Program, Warnings and Weather Forecast Program (WWF), Climate information and Water information Programs (and Corporate support) as key stakeholders within the organisation. These programs are all stakeholders of the training program. I might be tempted to replace "Services policy" on all slides with the Programs (WWF, Obs, climate, Water) IB: "Services policy" is meant to incorporate whatever programs and services are in place. RD: Normally goals of the organisation are articulated within Strategic plans and Operational plans. So I would add these to the RHS of your book as well as Project Implementation Plans (Risk analyses usually appear in Operational plans, Business Cases or Project plans). Reviews should inform strategic policy hopefully so might not list this explicitly. IDB: Strategic and operational plans fall within the generic “5 year plans”
The organisation Supports the goals through Trained staff - workforce strategy Infrastructure Services Data … Support RD: Organisational Capability.... the capability of the organisation to be able to deliver outputs in order to achieve it's objectives. From an organisational perspective, the following are fundamental to an organisation's capabilities - People (capabilities) - Infrastructure - Internal arrangements - External relationships - Operating funds Thus, people capabilities and (therefore training) fit into the big picture. Of course, the training is just one component of a cohesive Workforce planning strategy!
If the Job Tasks are completed the Goals of the organisation should be met Stakeholders Staff Managers Services policy Experts Job description Performance standards Support Job Tasks
If staff have the Comp e tencies they can perform the Job Tasks Goals Stakeholders Staff Services policy Experts Trainers Human resources Job tasks Service requirements Capabilities Support Job Tasks Competencies
The Training Needs are what each individual requires to be Comp e tent Goals Stakeholders Staff Managers Trainers Human resources Training needs analysis Performance evaluation and reviews Past training Support Job Tasks RD: From an enterprise view the development of competencies for job tasks can and should be extended to a more wholistic capability framework. This is important from an enterprise view because the capability of the organisation relates to flexibility of the work-force and the ability of people to move quickly and efficiently into other roles rather than just being siloed in one role. RD: One thing that I have struggled with competencies = Knowledge/skills/attitude is how we measure "attitude". The capability approach I find useful because:- the capabilities are cast within roles rather than just narrow tasks (but can contain specific competencies for tasks within certain roles)- capabilities include behaviours which are measureable manifestations of attitude - the capability framework recognises that there are other capabilities rather than just the technical ones we tend to focus on. A good example of this is if I go to a technical (forecasting) role and pull out the job documentation there will generally be 5-6-7 selection criteria. Usually 2 of them (or so) will relate to the technical components of the job but the majority will relate to other (non-technical) capabilities. RD: In my experience the risk analysis that you have listed (under “Goals”) can also directly inform the competencies themselves. This is very much the case with disaster mitigation roles whereby the Weather Services Operational Plan risk register talks about a failure to trigger an appropriate emergency service or community response due to misleading, incomplete or ineffective communication. Competencies Training Needs
The Training Objectives are to make each individual Comp e--tent to perform their Job Tasks Goals Support Job Tasks Competencies Objectives Training Needs
Training is to achieve the Objectives The Learning Outcomes are the effect of the training – learners become competent Goals Support Job Tasks Training Competencies Objectives Training Needs
Assessment of staff is against the Comp e tencies Goals Support Job Tasks Assessment Training Competencies Objectives Objectives Training Needs
Develop the program from the top down Are the goals met? Goals Support Evaluate all aspects of the training Job Tasks Competencies Training Needs