Presentation of radioGAUGE Results
First slide (after intro page) must play The Credit Union commercials.
Introduction The Credit Union Radio Campaign Results Conclusion
What is radioGAUGE? An ongoing radio advertising measurement tool Provides bespoke effectiveness learning for individual campaigns Free to qualifying advertisers
radioGAUGE goals Give advertisers a better understanding of radio advertising’s impact Show how to get the best possible creative results Learn from your last radio campaign to improve the performance of your next one Increase your Return on Investment in radio
The Credit Union Radio Campaign
The Credit Union Radio Campaign Target audience: Adults 25-44 Radio campaign dates: 3rd – 16th September 2012 Research fieldwork conducted: 28th September – 21st October 2012 Radio campaign ratings: ???
Wider media context Campaign spend by medium: Radio Mix Radio (32% of spend) Tv (xx% of spend) Digital (xx% spend) Radio Mix RTE Radio 1 Today FM Newstalk IRS Regional stations UTV – Urban Access
Headline summary A great set of effectiveness results for CU The campaign has captured 1st position for top of mind brand awareness in this market amongst people exposed to the ads Overall awareness of CU brand activity has climbed significantly amongst TEST group respondents The campaign has also increased consumer belief in key brand image and sentiment scores The challenge is to understand what drives this success and thereby maintain it
Methodology & Sample Profile
Methodology Challenge: isolate the impact of radio from the rest of a brand's media activity radioGAUGE does this by sorting survey respondents into TEST and CONTROL sample groups People who listen to the stations that flight your campaign go into the TEST group - everyone else goes into the CONTROL group Results of those two groups are compared on various metrics to demonstrate how radio is working as part of the campaign
Isolating the radio effect 200 Control Respondents* (Did NOT listen to key station flighting the campaign) 600 Test Respondents* (Listened to key station flighting the campaign) Measuring: Brand awareness Brand perceptions Ad awareness Brand consideration 5i’s creative scores *Matched Ireland representative samples
Brand Awareness
Brand Awareness radioGAUGE respondents are first asked an unprompted brand awareness question and asked to list the first three brands that comes to mind This can be a valuable indicator of a brand’s success in cutting through and standing out A good ‘first mention’ score can be translated into a competitive advantage at point-of-sale for FMCG products or when consumers are building a ‘brand consideration list’ for bigger-ticket items
Unprompted brand awareness (1st mention) What providers of savings and loans can you think of? First mention We see a significant rise in 1st mention awareness of CU amongst people exposed to the radio campaign, which lifts the brand from a distant 3rd amongst the control sample to 1st place amongst the TEST group! Test sample Control sample Base: All respondents Top 5 shown
Unprompted brand awareness (all mentions) What providers of savings and loans can you think of? All mentions All unprompted brand mentions often reveal the market brand rank in most sectors – hear we see CU in 3rd position, but the gap has narrowed amongst people exposed to the radio campaign Test sample Control sample Base: All respondents Top 5 shown
Prompted brand awareness Thinking of providers of savings and loans, have you heard of The Credit Union? Even though CU is almost universally recognised, we still we a significant uplift in prompted brand awareness amongst people exposed to the radio campaign = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents ‘Yes’ response (%)
Ad Awareness
Ad awareness We ask respondents if they have seen/heard/read any advertising for the brand under test This indicates the level of cut-through achieved by a brand’s communications This can relate directly to a brand’s ability to win ‘share of mind’
Ad awareness Have you seen or heard any advertising for The Credit Union within the last 4 weeks? Wow – people exposed to this radio campaign are more than twice as likely to be aware of ANY CU advertising activity – a very strong result Net radio gain = 31.2% = sig dif (1%) Base: All aware of brand ‘Yes’ response (%)
Claimed source of awareness Where have you seen or heard the advertising for The Credit Union? Consumers generally attribute most of their brand awareness to TV by default, but this result shows that the radio campaign has certainly broken into widespread consciousness = sig dif (1%) Base: All aware of ad
Brand Perceptions
The Credit Union look at things differently The Credit Union look at things differently? To what extent do you agree or disagree that... The Credit Union look at things differently? These figure demonstrates the radio campaign has been very effective at building agreement with an important brand image Top % agree (8,9,10) Net radio gain = 11.1% (+23.3%) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
With The Credit Union, members matter most With The Credit Union, members matter most? To what extent do you agree or disagree that... with The Credit Union, members matter most? Again, here we see more strong evidence that the radio campaign has been very effective at building important brand sentiments Top % agree (8,9,10) Net radio gain = 15% (+32.3%) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
The Credit Union is for people like me The Credit Union is for people like me? To what extent do you agree or disagree that... The Credit Union is for people like me? Radio has a knack for drawing people in and making them feel close to the station and its content – this effect has clearly rubbed-off on the CU brand amongst people exposed to this campaign Top % agree (8,9,10) Net radio gain = 7.1% (+12.6%) Base: All respondents
Brand Consideration
Brand consideration If you were considering choosing a provider of savings or loans today, how likely would you be to consider The Credit Union? It’s always encouraging to see brand consideration increase due to advertising activity, especially in a highly competitive market like this – here we see people exposed to the radio campaign being significantly more likely to choose CU next time Net radio gain = 9.0% (+18.6%) = sig dif (5%) Base: All who would open a savings account or loan All % agree (8,9,10)
Ad Recall & Perceptions
Prompted ad recall At this point in the test we play the audio of the ad creative The first questions we ask relate to ‘prompted recall’ i.e. can the respondent recalling hearing in the recent past the ad they have just been played?
The Credit Union Campaign Ad recall (audio prompt) Have you heard this radio advertising (or any radio advertising like it) for The Credit Union recently? This is a good result – near three quarters of everyone exposed to the radio campaign could remember hearing the ads The Credit Union Campaign (RG Pilot) Base: All respondents
Recall frequency How much have you heard this radio advertising recently? This data suggests an effective and efficient campaign schedule weight Base: All listeners who recall the ad when prompted (audio)
Ad credibility, or brand ‘fit’ The secret of effective branding is to ensure that all aspects of brand communication reflect a common theme and character radioGAUGE asks how well your radio campaign reflects consumer expectations, based on past exposure to The Credit Union advertising i.e. does the radio campaign fit in well with the brand’s past work, or does it clash with how consumers expect to be addressed by The Credit Union?
Ad credibility To what extent does this radio advertising fit with your image of The Credit Union? People generally feel this campaign’s creative fits well with their image of CU Total fit = 77.2% Total fit = 60.0% Base: All respondents
Ad credibility - benchmark To what extent does this radio advertising fit with your image of The Credit Union? Total fit = 77.2% Total fit = 62.5% Base: All respondents
Creative Measures
Measuring creativity RAB 5i’s of Radio Creativity Scoring each commercial against 11 statements, measuring the following metrics: Involvement Identity Impression Information Integration
Measuring creativity Involvement The most involving ads make the listener want to follow the story Identity The best ads use clearly recognised music voices or campaign vehicles Impression The ads that create the best impression are straightforward and respect the listener Information Strong ads have a clear, single-minded message Integration Strong performers link with other campaign elements (e.g. TV)
5i’s scores Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? Base: All Test listeners Mean score (max 10)
...I would listen to it Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? It’s clear that people are interested in what CU had to say, and perhaps the way they say it, especially amongst the TEST group Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...It's clear who it is for Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? These number also indicate the target for CU’s message is clear to everyone, which also suggests CU’s service are highly relevant to many listeners today Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...It stands out Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? The campaign creative clearly stands out strongly to those exposed to the campaign – this may be down to the use of a famous celebrity to appear within the ad Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...Recognise music/voice Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? The celebrity endorsement has yielded clear benefits – many people amongst the TEST group recognise the singer and appreciate her endoresement Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
Overall creative score = 7.2 Creative diagnostics – Credit Union Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? Overall creative score = 7.2 Involvement Identity Impression Information Integration Mean score (max 10) Base: All Test listeners
Strengths & Weaknesses “It reminds me of the TV ad. Imelda May is my age and my kind of person. I respect their product.” STRENGTHS “Credit Union was mentioned several times in the ad and also at the very beginning so you know instantly who it is for.” “Like Imelda May as she is very down to earth and a ‘normal’ person so suits the Credit Union image well.” “The music, the bass, it's catchy & Imelda May - someone who's successful like her and now a household name is a Credit Union member, it proves that the Credit Union is for everyone!” “The Credit Union looks at things differently. This is what people want. The advert is aimed at people looking for a more personal approach, not just a bank spinning lines in your face.” WEAKNESSES “It wasn't necessarily targeted at me or my situation which is fine. It can't speak to everyone.” “I'd remember it for all the wrong reasons, it's dull boring and a waste of air play, I present myself on community radio and ads like that are bland.” “After listening to it, I still don't know what the slogan is.”
Conclusion A great set of effectiveness results for CU The campaign has captured 1st position for top of mind brand awareness in this market amongst people exposed to the ads Overall awareness of CU brand activity has climbed significantly amongst TEST group respondents The campaign has also increased consumer belief in key brand image and sentiment scores The challenge is to understand what drives this success and thereby maintain it
Recommendations Radio campaign schedule weight appears to be effective and efficient – maintain it CU’s services seem to be highly relevant to many Irish consumers today – the creative strategy makes a difficult issue feel more human and manageable – maintain this The use of personable celebrities that are down to earth but respected, rather than merely famous, works well for the CU brand – maintain this The creative is well balanced and bears repetition – continue with these successful production values
Ireland Representative Sample Test Control Base: All respondents
Weight of radio listening On average how many hours per day do you listen to the radio? Control Test LIGHT MEDIUM HEAVY Base: All respondents
Product salience radioGAUGE takes account of key factors in the purchase process Awareness of a brand or recall of its advertising is significantly affected by how salient the product category is to the consumer For instance, female cosmetic products have low saliency for young men, so recall of beauty brands for this demographic is poor Likewise, if I need or want to buy a new car my awareness and recall of motor brand advertising will be relatively high
Product category salience When do you expect to next open a savings account? Test Control 10.4% 7.8% Base: All who would open a savings account or loan (794 respondents)
Product category salience When do you expect to next take out a loan? Test Control 5.2% 0.2% Base: All who would open a savings account or loan (794 respondents)
Key decision makers A key feature of media planning performance is the ability to target key decision makers for a specific product category radioGAUGE identifies who the key decision makers are for your brand in each household we interview This enables us to gauge campaign performance again your specific target consumer It also enables us to gauge the efficiency of your radio schedule
Identifying key-decision makers Thinking about choosing a provider of savings and loans, how much influence would you personally have in the process? . Test Control 76.3% 83.8% Base: All respondents
Brand experience The most powerful influence shaping brand perception is a consumer’s past experience of using a brand radioGAUGE investigates past brand experiences to determine how they have influenced the reception of new brand campaigns For instance, a bad past experience may blunt the acceptance of a new brand message Conversely, positive past experiences can enhance reactions to new advertising
History of brand experience When choosing a provider of savings or loans, how often do you choose The Credit Union? . Test Control 60.2% 57.9% Base: All who would open a savings account or a loan (794 respondents)
Additional Charts
The Credit Union look at things differently The Credit Union look at things differently? To what extent do you agree or disagree that... The Credit Union look at things differently? . Strongly agree (10) = sig dif (5%) Base: All respondents
With The Credit Union, members matter most With The Credit Union, members matter most? To what extent do you agree or disagree that... with The Credit Union, members matter most? . Strongly agree (10) = sig dif (5%) Base: All respondents
The Credit Union is for people like me The Credit Union is for people like me? To what extent do you agree or disagree that... The Credit Union is for people like me? . Strongly agree (10) Base: All respondents
Brand consideration If you were considering choosing a provider of savings or loans today, how likely would you be to consider The Credit Union? . Base: All who would open a savings account or get a loan All % agree (6,7,8,9,10)
...It stands out Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...I would listen to it Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...It's clear who it is for Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...Advertising I would remember Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...Speaks my language Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (5%) Base: All respondents
...Annoying Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? Top % agree (8,9,10) Base: All respondents
...Makes you feel more positive towards the advertiser Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...Is informative Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...Clear and easy to follow Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents
...Recognise catchphrase/slogan Which of these words and phrases do you feel could be applied to this radio advertising? . Top % agree (8,9,10) = sig dif (1%) Base: All respondents