Baby MIND beam test status E. Noah 8th June 2017
Baby MIND construction schedule
Baby MIND beam test schedule Week #1: 7th to 13th June Move blocks 2,3 from bldg 180 to bldg 157; blocks 1,2,3 to T9 Cable blocks 1,2,3 Install subset of electronics (~10->30 FEBs) Qualify block #4 modules Limited runs with beam (1 MCR) Week #2: 14th to 20th June Move block #4 Install remaining electronics Electronics commissioning Limited runs with beam (several MCRs, backplane fanout) Week #3: 21st to 27th June Full beam usage: data taking Week #4: 28th June to 4th July Week #5: 5th July to 12th July Installation Electronics commissioning 0.4 to 5 GeV/c: Hit efficiencies Particle ID efficiencies Momentum resolutions (by range/by curvature) Track reconstruction efficiencies Charge ID efficiencies Comparisons with simulations Data taking
Installation of 3 blocks at T9: 7th June 2017 Block #4 under construction