War, Rebellion, French, and British Wars of Empire War, Rebellion, French, and British
European Competition and the Colonies By mid 1700s – France, England, Spain, and Netherlands locked in a worldwide struggle for empire. In North America – Britain vs. France 1689 – 1748 C.E., fought a lot in Europe. But some fighting spilled into North America
European Competition and the Colonies American Indians Affect the Balance of Power – Most British/French wars ended in a cease fire. Britain wanted France out of North America. Had to neutralize the French advantage – What was the advantage?
European Competition and the Colonies Native Americans understood the balance of power. Both the British and French would try to woo Native Americans to their side. What would happen if one side gained total control?
European Competition and the Colonies The Balance Shifts – Tipped toward the British due to higher population and harsh treatment of Native Americans. Why did the French treat Native Americans differently? French built forts for protection – manned by Native Americans, voluntarily.
The French and Indian War Both the French and British wanted control of the Ohio River Valley. To stop the British, the French built Fort Duquesne (western PA). Angered, the British sent in troops to evict the French 1754 – led by a youngster named George Washington.
The French and Indian War Washington’s troops defeated a small French force – but Washington was forced to surrender eventually. Touched off a World War – America to Europe, Africa, the West Indies, and Asia. This war is called: Seven Years War (Europe) The French and Indian War (Americas)
The French and Indian War Early Battles – 1755 CE – British defeated a French force in Nova Scotia. But later had to retreat when they ran into a French and Indian ambush at Fort Duquesne. Washington led the retreat.
The French and Indian War 1756-1757 CE – French destroyed British forts at Lake Ontario and Lake George. Native Americans raid British settlements in PA and VA. French are winning the war at this point!
The French and Indian War 1758-1759 CE – The tide of the war would shift. British managed to cut off the French supply line from Europe. Natives would abandon the French – Why? By 1760, the British captured Quebec, Montreal – forced French to surrender.
The French and Indian War Treaty of Paris 1763 -- Fighting continued in other parts of the world, however. The British won major victories in India, the Philippines, and West Africa. Treaty of Paris ended the war and gave the British: Canada Great Lakes Ohio River Valley Florida
The French and Indian War
Pontiac’s Rebellion British victory meant bad news for the Native American’s –why? Members of tribes including the Ottawa, Shawnee, Miami, Kickapoo, and Delaware began capturing British forts in the Ohio River Valley. British referred to these attack’s as Pontiac’s Rebellion.
Pontiac’s Rebellion What was the goal of the rebellion? Weaken the British Lure the French back Failed to capture the three biggest British forts. Detroit Niagra Fort Pitt (formerly Fort Duquesne)
Pontiac’s Rebellion 1764 C.E. – Native Americans began running out of guns and gunpowder. Britain wanted to end the fighting quickly; Thomas Gage becomes the military commander. Gage said peace is less expensive than war.
Pontiac’s Rebellion Native nations agreed to peace as long as Britain retained settlement. Proclamation of 1763 – Britain said they would not allow settlers past the Appalachian Mountains. Not enough troops to stop settlement, however. Settlers resented efforts to limit expansion.
Aftermath of the War The French and Indian War and Pontiac’s Rebellion revealed tension between colonists and the British. Britain – HUGE war debt, wanted more control of the colonies, thought colonists should pay for the war debt.
Aftermath of the War Benjamin Franklin drafted Albany Plan of Union – join the colonies under British control. It didn’t work – no colony wanted to give up full control. 1760s – British taxes would become too much for the colonists….