OCR GCSE Child Development Year 11
Welcome Thank you for attending the session this evening Contents- Exam Requirements Using textbooks Rewriting notes Revision aids Exam papers Child study How to support your child during the exam season
Exam requirements OCR Child Development has one final examination in May 2018 The exam covers all the theory from the 2 year course It is essential that the students have a wide range of techniques and resources to prepare for this exam
Text books OCR Child Development for GCSE by Carolyn Meggitt Hodder Education ISBN 978-0-340-97506-0
Using the text book to aid revision Each chapter covers the topics needed for the exam At the end of each chapter there are ‘test your knowledge’ questions and activities for the students to use Each section has a key term box which should be used and learnt as this can help the student understand the questions in the exam. A good way to learn the key terms are to use post-it notes and stick them around the home/ car/ bedroom etc. Regular testing by another person helps the student to assess their understanding of these terms!
reading and rewriting notes Some students like to read the textbook and write revision notes This can be useful as long as they test their knowledge- this can be completed by someone asking them questions about their notes or using the revision questions
Printing off previous exam papers http://www.fastpastpapers.com/GCSE_OCR_Home_Economics_Child _Development.html This is a good technique to use as it familiarises the student with the layout of the questions. It also helps them to organise the timing of the paper.
How to use exam papers Read the question- is there a key term that you need to refer to the textbook for clarification? How many points is the question worth-this can help the student decided how many pointers will be required What is the terminology used in the question? Explain, describe, list??? Mind map on a separate piece of paper for ideas that could be used in the question before attempting it? Check the textbook to see if the answer is correct or could be improved Students could work on their own or ask a peer to swop ideas
Topic revision sessions At school we use a variety of short question sheets that students can take home to work on. These are more focussed on each topic and can support students who need more information in one area GCSE Child Development- The Revision Guide ISBN 978 1 84762 296 9 Child Care and Development Revision Exercises by Pamela Minett ISBN 978-0-340-88916-9 Revision app for mobiles http://www.gojimo.com/gcse-child- development-revision/
Child study http://www.ocr.org.uk/Images/75852-unit-b012-child-development- child-study-task-specimen.pdf Students will need access to a child and need support to visit the child to complete a selection of activities and observations. This control assessment is 22 hours long and is one-third of there overall GCSE grade.
Supporting children during exam periods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2qgRiCNf2o Make an exam timetable to organise your child, lots of support and positive praise!! Questions? Thank you for attending the session today dworthington@ccs.northants.sch.uk