Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc. Omicron Chapter
History Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority Inc. Alpha Pi Sigma was established on March 10, 1990. A group of Latina women from a variety of backgrounds came together to form an organization that would unite and support the Latina women on campus. Alpha Pi Sigma has grown into a well respected organization both on and off campus. In addition to its purpose of helping the Latino community, Alpha Pi Sigma works continuously with other organizations to improve the educational and community value, through its members academically, personally and professionally. Mujeres Amigas y Hermanas Hasta el Fin In May 2011, a group of women came together with a vision of bringing Alpha Pi Sigma Inc. to California State University, Sacramento. These women came together as one to form a group that would bring unity amongst all. Interest group Mujeres, Amigas, y Hermanas Hasta El Fin was granted official recognition by Alpha Pi Sigma Inc. on July 2011. They choose Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority Inc. because the ladies of Alpha Pi Sigma set academics and helping the Latino community as their main priority.
Alpha Pi Sigma Inc. Purposes To encourage and promote academic excellence of our members through the establishment of study groups, tutoring services and mentoring. Establish a scholarship fund to benefit members of the organization and/or transfer and high school students. Inspire unity, friendship and sisterhood among its members. To promote and develop leadership skills for its members in order to serve the organization and the Latino community. To further the professional careers of its members through networking with professionals in the community. To encourage cultural awareness and interest in helping the Latino community through volunteer work.
Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority Inc. Chapters Alpha Chapter (Founded March 10, 1990) San Diego State University Beta Chapter (est. 1996) California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Gamma Chapter (est. 2000) California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Delta Chapter (est. 2000) University of California, Riverside Epsilon Chapter (est. 2001) California Sate University, San Marcos Zeta Chapter (est. 2006) California State University, Fresno Eta Chapter (est. 2008) California State University, Northridge Theta Chapter (est. 2009) San Francisco State University Iota Chapter (est. 2010) University of California, Davis Kappa Chapter (est. 2010) Santa Clara University Lambda Chapter (est. 2010) University of California, Santa Barbara Mu Chapter (est. 2011) California State University, Stanislaus Nu Chapter (est. 2011) Boise State University Xi Chapter (est. 2012) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Omicron Chapter (est. 2013) California State University, Sacramento Pi Chapter (est. 2013) Eastern Washington University, Cheney Washington Colony University of San Diego
National Board and its Organizational Chart Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc. National Board P.O. Box 15374 San Diego CA 92175-0374 President Finance Alpha Representative Beta Representative Parliament Delta Representative Epsilon Representative Public Relations Zeta Representative Eta Representative Chapter Services Theta Representative Iota Representative Membership Kappa Representative Lambda Represtative Expansion Pi Chapter Omicron Chapter Alumnae Relations Mu Chapter Nu Chapter Xi Chapter Vice-President Secretary
Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc. Omicron Chapter Chapter Goals The overall vision and purpose of our chapter is for all members to feel welcomed. To be able to gain confidence and be themselves at all times. To come together to form a family away from home. Within the next two years we plan to establish a scholarship fund in which we will distribute one scholarship award per academic year. Within the next five years we plan to have events to bring Autism Awareness to the Sacramento community. We plan to do this by organizing different types of events, such as an annual Autism conference. At this conference we will hold workshops for parents to give them more information about Autism and resources that are offered in our community. In ten years we see our organization helping the Sacramento community at various events. We also hope to create a mentoring program at low income schools.
Philanthropy Something unique about Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority Inc. is that each chapter is given the opportunity to choose and develop their own philanthropic project based on their communities needs. TJ orphanage Relay For Life Ronald McDonald House Isla Vista Teen Center Adelitas Conference The Malala Fund National Kidney Foundation American Heart Association Society for Disabilities Breast cancer awareness As members of the Sacramento community, we have chosen Autism as our philanthropy. We concluded that this philanthropy would best suit the Latino community in Sacramento because many individuals are not aware of the disorder. We want to bring awareness among the Latino community. Facts Autism now affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism There is no medical detection or cure for autism - -
Academic Excellence Purpose #1: To maintain a 2.5 GPA and an overall GPA of a 3.0 amongst all chapters Purpose #2: To create a scholarship fund that is distributed to transfer or high school student that excels in academic excellence. To accomplish academic excellence we will offer tutoring services, mentoring, and study groups that require to complete study hours on a weekly basis to our members and encourage those among us to join in our academic journey. 100% Graduation Rate Every sister of Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc. has graduate from college since the sorority was founded in 1990.
Why we want to establish at Sac State? Why USFC? We would like to be established at California State University, Sacramento because we want to promote Autism Awareness to the Latino community, and encourage academic excellence to the younger generations. We want to build a home away from home environment to our fellow peers and interests. We would also like to offer community service and volunteer work within the university and the Sacramento community. We would like to be granted the opportunity to be part of USFC because it will allow us an opportunity to make a difference within the university and the community. We would also like to be a part of this council in order to have the support from the Greek community, and to know that we are not alone in making a difference.
Greek Unity We will host C.A.P.E. (Chapter, Academic, Professional/Personal Enrichment) seminars which are designed to offer growth opportunities through topics which vary from chapter development to social concerns in the community and professionalism. Invitations will be extended within the USFC so they benefit as well and if given the opportunity we would also like to take leadership role within the council. Plan and host events that will give everyone the opportunity to work together and create activities that will bring us together.
Accomplishments Fundraisers: Philanthropy: National Events: Taqueria Festival to support the troops and Autism Speaks Scholarship Fundraisers Taqueria Los Compadres-donates toys to children in low income areas Philanthropy: Tabling Hosted our First Annual Event “Making Sense of Autism” Autism Speaks Walk National Events: Teddy Bear Drive NALFO day of Service Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Badge Day CAPE Seminars: Resume Workshop Professionalism Workshop Etiquette Workshop
Accomplishments Community Service: Diabetes Association American River clean up Reconstructing Iceland Ice Skating Rink Dia de la Familia Promoting blood drive Breast Cancer Walk Autism Speaks Walk Sent care packages to Afghanistan troops Feeding the needy Mentoring Middle School children (being recognized in School District Newspaper) We have mandatory study hours and community service hours that our members must complete every semester
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